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Geoengineering Pathogens – Version 7.0

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Geoengineering Pathogens – Version 7.0

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The Air Dog in the image above shows a Red Alert from Geoengineering (Chemtrails).

Aerial spraying is becoming more pervasive, more toxic, and more debilitating while being less visible. Many more pathogens are being sprayed in 2020 and pathogen payloads change from month to month. Geoengineering loads the body with aluminum, barium, radium, oxalic acid, and other toxins and causes respiratory problems, massive parasite infections in combination with glycophosphate, and other health issues. The state of California classified glycophosphate as a known carcinogen and won a lawsuit again Monsanto who was trying to cover it up. Lately the secret aerial spraying program is getting worse with YouTube documentation of a physician reporting hundreds of patients with “chem lung.” Other physicians have told their patients that they being infected by nanoparticles (part metal, part organic) that cannot be treated by conventional medicine. The new Airdog X5 air purifier gives an accurate reading of air quality. Normal reading should be down below 10. When it jumps suddenly to 200 with no noticeable pollution in the house it is probably chemtrails. It is best to close off the house, stay inside, run air cleaners at maximum, and run these frequencies until air quality returns to normal. For a list of known health effects of geoengineering (chemtrails) click here.

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