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Cancer Cell Metabolism – Version 3.0

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Cancer Cell Metabolism – Version 3.0

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Deeper understanding of cell metabolism in cancer can result in innovative frequency strategies for eliminating altered cells. A positive muscle test when running these programs indicates premalignant or malignant cells.

This set includes two programs – Rife BX BY and associated frequencies and Rife BX BY viruses and fungi. The two programs are packaged in a ZIP file. They should be used in conjunction with other sets – Original Rife, Nagalase, Biofilms, SV40, and Parasites.

[trx_button type=”square” style=”filled” size=”small” link=”” popup=”no” top=”inherit” bottom=”inherit” left=”inherit” right=”inherit”]Original Rife[/trx_button][trx_button type=”square” style=”filled” size=”small” link=”” popup=”no” top=”inherit” bottom=”inherit” left=”inherit” right=”inherit”]Nagalase[/trx_button] [trx_button type=”square” style=”filled” size=”small” link=”” popup=”no” top=”inherit” bottom=”inherit” left=”inherit” right=”inherit”]SV40 Virus[/trx_button] [trx_button type=”square” style=”filled” size=”small” link=”” popup=”no” top=”inherit” bottom=”inherit” left=”inherit” right=”inherit”]Parasites[/trx_button][trx_button type=”square” style=”filled” size=”small” link=”” popup=”no” top=”inherit” bottom=”inherit” left=”inherit” right=”inherit”]Biofilms[/trx_button]

There are certain organisms and deficiencies always associated with premalignant and malignant cells. Eliminating these is a preventive measure and can help minimize the damage of any treatment. The following list should be carefully studied.

  1. Nagalase, an enzyme, is always present with cancer and viruses. It suppresses the immune system. Run the Nagalase program until you test negative. Also use 4Life Transfer Factor Plus to enhance your immune system. A strong immune system is the primary first line of defense against abnormal cells.
  2. Selenium deficiency is always present with malignancy. Take selenium supplements. Others supplements may also be important.
  3. Parasites are always associated with malignancy. Eliminate them with parasite frequencies (found separately).
  4. SV40 virus is often associated with malignancy. There are many strains of the virus which can be found in a separate frequency set. There may be other organisms that are important found in other frequency sets as well.
  5. In 100% of cases, frequencies found in the Rife BX BY program and the Rife BX BY viruses and fungi program included in this set are present. It is critical that they be eliminated to prevent cancer. Any treatment of cancer will cause rapid proliferation of these organisms as they are released from dying infected cells. These two programs are included in a ZIP file along with the previous program used to disrupt cancer cell glucose metabolism.
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