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Black Mold and Other Fungi – Version 6.0

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Black Mold and Other Fungi – Version 6.0

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Many updates to mold frequency sets during 2019-May 2021 are included in this release.

Rereading Scott Forsgren’s article on Mold and Mycotoxins reminded me that hundreds of updates to mold frequencies have been identified.

Everyone runs into mold on a regular basis and these frequencies can help tremendously. I’ve included every mold that my clients have encountered during the last 20 years. If you find a new one (unlikely) please send me an email. Subscribers feel free to send me an email if you need help in identifying mold frequencies.

A previous release included mold commonly found in coffee which most of you are exposed to. An easy trick to determine if you have mold in the air in your home is to leave a little milk out in a glass overnight. If there is mold in the air, it will start growing in the milk. I use a Nespresso Aerochino which warms and froths the milk. Left unattended overnight with remains of frothed milk, it provides an optimal growth environment for mold.

When I awake in the morning I can see if there is mold easily in the Aerochino. I then test with the Cameron Aurameter to determine the frequency. The primary frequency for molds is in the 400khz range.  I then search the file below for the right frequency set.

Note: Candida is a fungus as well and found in a separate program on the subscribers site. Aspergillus is also found in a separate set.

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