Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Find Answers to Common Questions About Frequency-Based Therapies

Welcome to the FAQs page of Frequency Research Foundation. Here, we provide comprehensive answers to frequently asked questions about our innovative frequency-based therapies and services. Whether you’re curious about our PhotoAnalysis Remote Rife Clinic, seeking information on running frequencies on your own device, or want to know more about the effectiveness and safety of our treatments, you’ll find the information you need right here.
Our team has compiled a list of commonly asked questions to address your concerns and provide clarity on various aspects of frequency-based therapies. From understanding the process of Photoanalysis to learning about recommended lab setups and choosing the right Rife machine, we cover a range of topics to assist you on your health journey.
At Frequency Research Foundation, we believe in empowering individuals with knowledge and offering safe and non-invasive solutions for better health and well-being. Explore the FAQs below to learn more about frequency-based therapies and the possibilities they hold for optimizing your health and vitality.
How can I sign up the PhotoAnalysis Remote Rife Clinic for scanning and frequencies.
- For remote scanning weekly or biweekly go to and click on Shop, then on one of three services, Photoanalysis Remote Rife Clinic Basic, Plus, or Premium
- Basic service provides personal care by a Registered Nurse, biweekly scans for one month, development of treatment plans, and transmission of frequencies. All of this can be done remotely with advanced technology developed by Frequency Research Foundation with their business partners.
- Plus service provides biweekly scans plus frequency programs to run on your own device locally.
- Premium service provides weekly scans and is essential for people on a longevity program or with chronic disease.
- Frequencies for immediate problems that require extra scans or specialized frequencies for problems like cancer, heart disease, or osteoporosis may require extra charges.
How do I sign up for an Annual Subscription to frequencies for my own device?
- Go to and click on Shop, then Photoanalysis or Subscription.
- An Annual Subscription is for those who have their own equipment and can determine which frequencies to use on their own from an extensive database of frequencies.
- Photoanalysis is for those who need help determining frequencies. It includes frequencies for home use if equipment is available as well as remote transmission from our laboratory equipment.
- Once you have a subscription you must sign in, search for frequencies you want, and put them in the cart. The price should be $0.0. When you check out you will be able to download the frequencies. If price is not $0.0 contact Frequency Foundation immediately and do not check out.
- A low cost option is available for those who know what pathogen they need frequencies for from a lab or other test – Find That Frequency. This is for those who have equipment to run the frequencies.
How does PhotoAnalysis work?
- Using high resolution digital photos, remote scanning of all organ systems is done with one or more of four scanners – Biofilia, Hunter 4025, and 2 Hadoscans.
- Scanners identify which tissue has low energy (in priority order) and the specific pathogens likely to be the cause of the problem. Homeopathic remedies are also identified that are good complementary therapy for those who have access to remedies.
- The Frequency Research Foundation database is searched for the specific frequency set for organisms identified. These frequencies are transmitted remotely. Remote transmission technology today is as good or better than direct contact devises.
- Simultaneously, remote muscle testing determines frequencies needed. This may identify pathogens that are not in the scanners database. These are also transmitted.
- Feedback is needed within a day or so of any effects (or lack of effect) of frequency transmission. No further scanning or transmission will be done without feedback.
What photos do I need?
- The Photoanalysis documentation describes photos needed. A full body photo front and back plus a photo of your dwelling are minimum to get started.
- Photos should be taken on the latest model iPhone you have, ideally on a tripod or stable surface using the Moment Pro Camera app which generated raw image files called .DNG files. The latest iPhone will produce over 20MB images. Earlier iPhones produce 12 MB images.
- Power of remote transmission is based on size of image an resolution which is affected by stability of the camera. Doing this properly with the Moment Pro Camera app makes remote transmission 50 times as effective.
- See Photoanalysis documentation for more details. Recent iPhone Pro models have built in RAW image capabilities which produce DNG files.
What is the recommended lab setup for local application?
a. The standard lab setup with an SG2 used by Frequency Research Foundation is described at:
b. The setup for an ABPA is described at:
Do I run square waves or sign waves?
Dr. Clark showed square waves work best for killing pathogens at their primary frequencies of 100K-500K hertz. However, in the megahertz range the creation of square waves by a generator may not be effective and sine waves may work better. At the Frequency Research Foundation we run frequency sets using square waves.
Do you use multi signaling or heterodyning at all? Anthony Holland and Novocure talk about how they utilize multiple signals concurrently for better results.
Yes. The F165 frequency generator puts out three simultaneous frequencies using the vbackfreq command. In addition to the primary frequency, a Holland octave and a scalar octave are transmitted if you are using an F165.
Frequency sets are specified for the F165 frequency generator which outputs 3 frequencies simultaneously.
- vbackfreq a 0.049787068 0 71.5 vbackfreq b 0.090909090 0 71.5
- vbackfreq a divides the frequency on by 0.049787068, a scalar octave, and transmits it on channel a. vbackfreq b divides the primary frequency by 0.090909090 and transmits a Holland octave on channel b.
How were the frequencies derived / where did they come from/ why so manyFrequencies?
- Candidate frequencies are derived by a dowsing technique using the Cameron Aurameter. They are then tested over and over on different subjects to determine whether there is a consistent hit from the transmitted frequencies and whether the frequency set removes the symptoms caused by the pathogen.
- The Metanoia GR Hunter 4025 is a scanning device that is three times as accurate diagnosing a patient in a hospital compared to other radiological scanning devices. It determines the pathogens existing at different layers of tissue. An electron micrograph of the pathogen can then be used to determine frequencies using the dowsing technique.
- 20 years of research shows a single organism responds to many frequencies. The highest frequencies target the energy fields around the human body set up by the organisms interaction with the body. The lower megahertz frequencies target the DNA of pathogens. Lower frequencies target the different forms of the pathogen. For example, parasites have multiple stages in the life cycle. The lowest frequencies target components set up by the organism or thrown off by the organism as it replicates.
- All the frequencies in a set are needed to quickly and permanently remove a pathogen from the body.
I’m trying to match the Rife frequencies up to some of James Bare’s old papers and am not finding matches yet (I just started), am I missing something?
All Frequency Foundation sets are independently derived by original research. They are more comprehensive than other sets. Other sets sometimes partially match.
How is remote analysis incorporated with the Hunter 4025? Are the digital image files are placed between the headphone pads?
- First you must review the standard lab setup for a Frequency Research Foundation lab. See the site.
- In the photo below the Hunter earphones are wrapped around an SG2. On top of the SG2 is a blue DMI box with a green antennae. The DMI contains one digital photo of the target. It must be positioned exactly as shown to work. The geometry is critical.
- The SG2 is a scalar device developed by a retired DOD physicist who spent decades working in black projects. It was tuned to support an earlier remote scanning device call the Hadoscan based on the same technology at the Hunter 4025. The SG2 has the effect of simulating the target to the earphones.
- The SG2 must be placed pointed to magnetic north to be most effective. Some experimentation may be necessary to get the earphones to work as the Hunter 4025 will not work unless the earphones detect a target.
Are the frequencies used by Frequency Research Foundation safe and non-invasive?
Yes, the frequencies used by Frequency Research Foundation are safe and non-invasive. They have been extensively researched and developed to ensure their effectiveness and safety for individuals.
How long does it take to see results from frequency treatments?
The time to see results from frequency treatments can vary depending on individual circumstances and the specific condition being addressed. Some individuals may experience immediate relief, while others may require several sessions to notice significant improvements. It’s important to work closely with our team to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.
Can frequencies be used as a complementary treatment alongside other medical interventions?
Yes, frequencies can be used as a complementary treatment alongside other medical interventions. It’s important to inform your healthcare provider about any frequency treatments you are undergoing to ensure they are aware of your complete healthcare regimen.
Do I need any specialized equipment to receive frequencies remotely?
No special equipment is needed. Our team will provide you with all the necessary information on how to receive and use the transmitted frequencies effectively.
What conditions or health issues can be treated with frequency-based therapies?
Frequency-based therapies can be used to address a wide range of health conditions and issues. They can help with pain management, stress reduction, immune system support, sleep improvement, and overall well-being. Frequency treatments can be tailored to individual needs and can address specific health concerns.
How often should I undergo frequency treatments?
The frequency and duration of treatments can vary depending on the individual and the specific condition being treated. Our team will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that outlines the recommended frequency and duration of your sessions.
Are there any side effects associated with frequency treatments?
Frequency treatments are generally well-tolerated and have minimal side effects. However, some individuals may experience temporary detoxification reactions, mild fatigue, or changes in energy levels. These effects are typically transient and indicate that the body is responding to the treatment.
Can frequencies be used for preventive health measures?
Yes, frequencies can be used as part of preventive health measures. By supporting the body’s natural balance and addressing imbalances before they develop into more significant issues, frequency treatments can help promote overall wellness and preventive health. For individuals who get scanned routinely the frequency treatment time drops to the point where some organisms can be eliminated by running each frequency in a set remotely for only 10 seconds. This is ideal because the body can be rebalanced in a few minutes to avoid getting sick.
Are the frequency treatments suitable for athletes looking to enhance performance?
Yes, frequency treatments can be beneficial for athletes looking to enhance performance. They can help with recovery, injury prevention, and optimizing physical and mental well-being. Our team can customize frequency protocols to support athletes’ specific needs and goals. The ultimate goal is to double the energy while cutting stress in half as measured on a wearable device. This is directly related to athletic performance.
Is it necessary to have a diagnosis before using frequency-based therapies?
While a diagnosis is not always necessary, having an understanding of your specific health concerns can help our team tailor the frequency treatments to your needs. Our comprehensive approach takes into account individual circumstances and aims to address underlying imbalances for optimal results.
How do I provide feedback on the effectiveness of frequency treatments?
We encourage you to provide feedback on the effectiveness of your frequency treatments. You can communicate your experience, progress, and any changes in symptoms to our team during follow-up consultations or through designated communication channels. Your feedback helps us refine and optimize your treatment plan. We can use a single frequency run for six minutes as a lab test. We want to know within an hour whether symptoms increase, decreased, or remained stable. It we hit the right frequency we can often eliminate or significantly decrease symptoms within the hour. When that happens we know how to create a more comprehensive set of frequencies to eliminate or prevent the condition from recurring.
Can frequencies be used for pets or animals?
Yes, frequencies can be used for pets and animals. Animals can benefit from frequency-based therapies for various conditions, including pain management, anxiety, and overall well-being. Our team can provide guidance on the appropriate use of frequencies for animals. Animals usually live closely with a family and anyone that has infections living in a dwelly can pass them to others. So often we want to work on all creatures living in a space. A house photo allows us to do this.
Are there any age restrictions for receiving frequency treatments?
Frequency treatments are generally suitable for individuals of all ages. From children to older adults, frequencies can be adjusted and customized to meet the unique needs of each individual. However, it’s important to consult with our team to ensure appropriate frequency protocols for specific age groups, especially for young children and older adults, to ensure safety and optimal results.