A question came up today on variations of resonant frequencies for an organ depending on tissue type and I searched my archives for a report I posted in October 2001. The frequencies below refer to a specific infection and strain of the shistosoma parasite.
24 Oct 2001
Recently, I had a minor toothache after a trip to Tampa and detected a parasite with frequencies: 353585, 273873, 111755, 37735. Treating with the F-SCAN quickly knocked out the toothache but I had stomach symptoms so treated it for two days without success. This provided a great opportunity to example this problem in some detail to find a treatment strategy to eliminate it quickly. Normally, any parasite can be eliminated with a two minute treatment at the right frequencies to the right organ(s). So the fact that symptoms were still there after two days indicated that the organism was hiding out where it could not be reached or the frequencies were not correct.
This parasite appeared to be Shistosoma mansoni which I first picked up in a delicious dinner of sea scallops on Martha’s Vineyard last August. As a result, I was quickly able to identify a reinfection in Tampa. Shistosoma (blood flukes) infect over 200 million people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It is second only to malaria as the greatest threat to human health in these regions. See http://idrinfo.idrc.ca/Archive/ReportsINTRA/pdfs/v7n2e/109595.pdf
“There are three major species of schistosoma (The disease is often called schistosomiasis.) that infest humans:Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni, and Schistosoma japonicum. The male schistosome is a flat worm about 1 cm long, the sides of its body inverted to form a groove in which the female is carried. After mating the pairs move to the veins of the bowel (in the case of S. mansoni and S. japonica) or the bladder (S. haematobium). The females periodically leave the males and deposit eggs in the small portal veins in these areas. Most eggs penetrate the walls of the veins: some become trapped in the tissues there, scarring and hardening it. Others work their way into the bladder and bowels and are eliminated. Eggs eliminated in the urine or feces must reach water to survive.
“Once in water, the eggs split and the larvae (known now as miracidia) penetrate the bodies of freshwater snails, which then become the intermediate hosts. Inside the flesh of the snail host the miracidia develop into a type of reproductive cyst. Some weeks later, depending on the species, these cysts produce numerous minute free-swimming larvae called cercariae. In this tadpole-like stage, the parasite swims vigourously upwards and drifts downwards in the water, searching for its principal host… humans.
“After contact with the human host, the cercariae penetrate the skin (shedding their tails in the process) and move through the lymphatic system to the arteries, through the heart and lungs, and eventually appear in the liver. The complete process is not yet understood. The larvae grow rapidly in the blood vessels of the liver, then migrate to the bowel or bladder. There the mature worms mate and begin laying eggs. Egg production usudlly begins about 40 days after penetration of the skin. The female can lay hundreds (and in the case of japonica, thousands) of eggs per day. Infection has been known to last as long as 28 years, although it is generally of much shorter duration.”
Since I had snails in Florida shortly before the toothache, I wondered if I picked it up in the wonderful French restaurant I ate in. I have previously found gourmet French restaurants to be a great source of parasite infections for study and analysis.
Using plate zapping with the F-SCAN by putting microscopic slides on top of the cylinder than comes with the F-SCAN, I found the parasite had infected the liver, lung, prostate, stomach, and thymus. I then proceeded to identify the frequencies in each organ, and found that an exact match within 10HZ was necessary to kill the parasite with less than two minutes of treatment at each frequency.
353673, 273889, 112666, 37686 tooth
353496, 273887, 112174, 37742 liver
353986, 273799, 112579, 37687 lung
353496, 273689, 112599, 37437 prostate
353678, 273887, 112698, 37659 stomach composite
353669, 273887, 112898, 37687 thymus
I have since puzzled over these numbers recalling Aubrey Scoon’s paper on the secret of the Rife effect:
“The significance of this becomes clearer when we realise that Rife’s resonance effect (if it exists) must be dependent on wavelength. But we also know from the above that the wavelength of any given frequency of radiation inside the body tissues must be different to the wavelength of the same radiation outside the body. And if this is true, then there is no way that any one frequency can resonate the same object equally both inside and outside the body tissues.”
And I would add that the frequency within specific tissues will be different. This is the entire basis of medical imaging techniques.
To dig a little deeper into this, I found the following frequencies were indicated by the F-SCAN software. This was after all symptoms were gone due to treatment with frequencies above.
Adult: 353020, 353440, 353500, 353570, 353790, 353800, 353810, 353860, 353940, 353950
Larva (late stage): 273020, 273030, 273870
Larva (early stage): 112030, 112040, 112150, 112190, 112210, 112220, 112490, 112510
Egg: 37030, 37040, 37080, 37400, 37700, 37910, 37960, 37980, 37990, 38000
Are these residual organisms in various tissue types? I have noticed this phenomenon often and assumed it was due to multiple strains. However, this infection seemed to start very localized and may be a single strain. The impedance may be different in various organs and cause different frequencies to be required to eliminate the pathogen.