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Jeff Sutherland

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

Frequency Medicine with Garmin Body Battery

The holy grail of Frequency Medicine is to have a wearable device on the patient with real time monitoring that can show the direct and immediate effect of frequencies on the body. The state of the art of wearable devices provides 24/7 monitoring of multiple heath factors that can show real time energy state as well as current stress on the body.

Garmin Body Battery

The Garmin Fenix watch (and some other models) provide a important feature called Body Battery that measure the current energy state of the body. Garmin acquired Firstbeat Analytics in 2020, a Finnish company and incorporated their analytics into their watches. Heart rate variability (HRV) and other metrics are used to calculate energy levels and stress which directly influences improvement or degradation of performance.

Reduced stress causes HRV to increase and Body Battery to go up. This provides real time biofeedback that can be used to improve health and well-being. There are three major factors that drive up stress and lower Body Battery:

  1. Spiritual, mental, emotional state
  2. Internal stress caused by pathogens and other factors
  3. External stress caused by the environment (air quality, radiation of all types, geomagnetic factors, etc.)

Body Battery and Stress Levels

Lowering Stress with Meditation

The first category of stress reduction is easily accomplished by mediation. Above is an example of the Garmin Connect App on the iPhone which syncs to the Garmin watch. Body Battery usually goes up during sleep. However, on this day it was flatlined during sleep due to stress (more on that later). I got out of bed just before 7:45am with an orange stress level and meditated for 20 minutes to drive stress down into the blue state. Garmin gave me a Zen Master badge for this along with other Yoga activities.

Garmin Badges

At 8am stress spiked into high level of orange momentarily as I did some very short yoga exercises and then dropped to an even lower level of blue as yoga ended followed by an uptick into the orange as I started moving around, getting breakfast, cleaning up. However, that meditation and short yoga exercise and stretching set me up for a day where stress is low with long periods in the blue zone.  Body Battery stays stable or goes up instead of going down as it usually does during daily activities.

Lowering Stress with Frequencies

Stress Spike at 4am from Residual COVID

This chart shows body battery going down when sleeping when it should be going up. The stress spike at 4am woke me up. I went into my Frequency Lab and tried to identify the reason for the spike. It could be a bad dream but I could not remember dreaming. Could it be an infection flaring up. Sure enough it turned out to be a residual Covid infection. I identified the specific strain and started transmitting it remotely while I went back to bed. Stress went down and was in the blue for an hour or so before I got up at 8am when stress went up as I started moving around.

Today, remote transmission of frequencies is as good or better than direct application. This combined with advanced technology that can track the patient in 3D space in real time allows mobile detection of patient requirements along with remote transmission of appropriate frequencies that can cause an immediate alteration of physical state proven by real time data flow from the wearable device. This was just a simple sleep example. For any professional or amateur athlete, it provides a remarkable opportunity to optimize training and performance through use of next generation biofeedback in real time while training or competing!

Lowering Stress with Environmental Modification

The third component of stess reduction and improvement in Body Battery is modification of the energy patterns in the environment. I use Air Dog air cleaners in the Frequency Lab but felt I could further improve the environment with an organite technology that I has used in the past two decades. “Tower Busters” are more expensive but test better than others.

I had put “Tower Buster’s” at the four corners of my current house when I moved in 2013. It radically altered the energy field of the house. Could I intensify that effect in the Frequency Lab, put my stress levels in the blue and make Body Battery go up.

Stress Down at 8:30am from Meditation and Tower Busters at 10:00am

In the chart above I got up about 7:30 and put myself in the blue low stress state, then moved around and had breakfast which drove stress up and Body Battery started to turn down. As I returned to my lab I took four “Tower Buster’s” and put them in the four corners of the Lab which has two rooms, an office and a server room.

My stress state immediately dropped into the low blue range at about 10am and Body Battery turn up until just before noon when I left the lab to get something to eat and was active for the rest of the day.

This has created an environment in the Frequency Lab where I can just sit and work on the computer and my stress level drops to the blue state and Body Battery starts to go up during the day. This same strategy is now being used in the bedroom to lower stress at night and cause Body Battery to go up normally.

Many Additional Use Cases for the Garmin Watch

At the time of writing, I am working in the Frequency Lab and Body Battery is increasing until 12pm when I go downstairs to exercise on my Rom machine. In four minutes I get my exercise for the day with really low stress at the cost of some Body Battery.

ROM Machine

Then I have some lunch. Body Battery goes down yet stress stays really low from 12-12:30pm until I am back in the Lab and Body Battery starts up. I decide to take sauna, stress stays low and Body Battery starts up from about 3:30pm to almost 4pm, then I hit the shower and stress goes up and peaks. Body Batteries goes down a little bit.

I started off the day with low Body Battery but using a strategy based on biofeedback from the Garmin watch, I end the day with Body Battery as high as at the beginning of the day. My goal was to get Intensity Minutes which are a measure of exercise without spending Body Battery.

The strategy was a little bit of yoga at 8am giving Intensity minutes a slight bump. Then the ROM maching at noon giving a bigger jump. Then just before 4pm getting in the sauna which generates Intemsity Minutes because of heart rate increase, but along with low stress level. Then, remarkably, taking a shower with the Garmin Watch will give you an Intensity Minute jump along with high stress levels.

I got 82 minutes of exercise on a low energy day without expending Body Battery and increased my Intensity Points from 175 at the beginning of the day to 257 by 5pm. I ended the day with the same energy level as at the beginning of the day.

The next night I used the same strategies to get a nice smooth rise in Body Battery throughout the night. Typically Body Batteries readings a down during the day with activity and up at night when sleeping.

Ultimate Goal – Body Battery Goes Up at Night and Never Goes Down During Day

My current goal is to get rising Body Battery at night with minimal loss of Body Battery during the day while maximizing Intensity Minutes from exercise. This is already causing some weight loss, better physical fitness, and better mental focus. Here is a recent result:

Power Up Throughout the Day

After working with biofeedback for a couple of weeks I finally scored a day where Body Battery started over 90, then dropped a bit during daily exercise. Working intensely in the Frequency Lab all day it was back up over 90 by the end of the working day. It feels great to end the day with as much or more energy as you started with on a high energy morning! More work got done with better mental focus. This has only been possible so far by using frequencies to eliminate pathogens and environmental modification with Tower Busters.


The Garmin Watch is an effective biofeedback tool that we recommend it to all patients in the Frequency Clinic program. Staff members of the Frequency Research Foundation (and their children) are now wearing these watches to monitor the effects of whole body scans and frequency transmission through our inexpensive Photoanalysis Frequency Clinic.

We can improve health, well-being, and physical performance using hard data that is trusted by patients and their physicians. Real time biofeedback through the Garmin Fenix watch directly and immediately affects patient behavior is a way that is not possible with traditional medical intervention.

Follow the Science – COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates and the U.S. Military

Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Summer 2022

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA preparation
BNT162b2, now branded as Comirnaty™, is being mandated
for U.S. military forces. It is virtually identical to the original
and still highly controversial Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA
On Aug 24, 2021, after consultation with medical experts
and military leaders and with the support of the White House,
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III stated that mandatory
COVID-19 vaccinations for service members are necessary to
protect the health and readiness of the force.
This policy demonstrates a profound misunderstanding
of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the mRNA vaccines, and the current
COVID-19 pandemic. The vaccination mandate will not
reliably protect the health of our U.S. Special Operations air
and ground forces and the intelligence agencies that support
them. Instead, this mandate has the potential to generate
both short and long-term incapacitating side effects within
the age group that typifies Special Operations soldiers and
contractors. Alternatively, it may increase the severity of
COVID-19 in some fully vaccinated personnel who are later
infected with one of the continuously evolving SARS-CoV-2
viral clades.

Frequency research has shown all those vaccinated may have compromised immune systems. Return to normal function can be achieved by running vaccine contaminant frequencies. All clients are tested for these frequencies and they have been released under the Creative Commons Share and Share Alike License so anyone can benefit. Click here for free access.

Nitric Oxide Dump Exercise – 1 minute = 50 minute workout in gym

A simple exercise is the most important exercise for anyone to do because 1 minute is worth 50 minutes in the gym. It doesn’t get any better than that.

It is so easy that even my wife who has mobility problems can do it. When I was working out with the West Point Gymnastics team during COVID they gave me credit equal to running a mile for doing 3 sets of this one minute exercise.

I do it when I get up, anytime I am near a counter which I can touch to balance during squats. It releases nitric oxide from your arterial linings and provides all the aerobic exercise you need.

It consist of four moments:

  1. 10 squats – my wife can’t squat so she just bends her knees as far as comfortable
  2. 10 arm movements from side to horizontal
  3. 10 arm swings from touching fists in front to touching fists over the head
  4. 10 arm push straight up from shoulder

Here is a video on how to do this. 

ZACH BUSH MD | 4 Minute WorkoutThe Four Minute Workout is a new concept of exercise that revolves around the body’s ability to use Nitric Oxide for muscle growth. This is an efficient anae…WWW.YOUTUBE.COM

The exercise was developed by physicians working with the Army to get the maximum aerobic workout in the minimum time. 3 sets in 3 minutes gives you 1 hour and 50 minutes in the gym.

Sounds hard to believe but Dr. Grossman tested me at the Grossman Wellness Center lab in Denver. In three minutes the data showed I had a significant cardiac workout and my resting calorie burn rate went up 400 calories per day for the rest of the day for doing nothing more than this 3 minute exercise.

Life Force – reverse aging

Recently, I’ve been listening to the podcast Exponential Wisdom by Dan Sullivan and Peter Diamandis, MD of XPrize fame. A major change in the longevity discussion in the last few years is that we are no longer talking about life extension. Reverse aging has been proven in animals and reversing aging in humans is the next step.

A new book by Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis, and Robert Hariri provide the highlights of new technologies that are available now to change your life! This is probably the most important book for you to read first before you read anything else, as everything else is secondary to staying alive with abundant health, energy, focus, and mobility.

Diamandis has created a company called Fountain Life to bring these technologies to you 20 years before they arrive at your doctor’s office. I am in the process of completing a massive amount of scanning and testing with Fountain Life which will be analyzed by their latest AI as well as Fountain Life physicians.

More later when they review the test results with me.

Real Physicians with Real News on COVID

We get a lot of advice from physicians who do not treat patients, i.e. there is no treatment for COVID so do not give sick patients anything until they are sick enough to go to the hospital. Then give them a treatment that has a high death rate.

We can do better than that, like early treatment that was recommended for virtually every disease before COVID. A good summary of expert physician recommendations is in the latest Epoch News health article.

Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 Reviewed

Vitamin D for COVID Prevention and Treatment

Mainstream news is finally reporting on the critical benefits of Vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of COVID. Early studies showed that noone with Vitamin D level higher than 40ng/ml ever went to a hospital and died.

Recommended levels are over 80ng/ml. Farmers 100 years ago had levels above 120ng/ml because of constant exposure to sunlight. In winter, the reduction of sunlight reduces the level of Vitamin D and causes spikes in disease, if not COVID then the flu and other infections. Supplementation is essential in the winter as the majority of people are deficient in Vitamin D through lack of sun exposure.

Vitamin D levels should be checked in blood samples on a regular basis, particularly during a pandemic.

The Florida Surgeon General is being clear about this. Florida Surgeon General Promotes Nutraceuticals for COVID-19.

Omicron: SARS-CoV-2 South Africa Variant

Classification of Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern

26 November 2021 by WHO.INT

The Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE) is an independent group of experts that periodically monitors and evaluates the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and assesses if specific mutations and combinations of mutations alter the behaviour of the virus. The TAG-VE was convened on 26 November 2021 to assess the SARS-CoV-2 variant: B.1.1.529.

The B.1.1.529 variant was first reported to WHO from South Africa on 24 November 2021. The epidemiological situation in South Africa has been characterized by three distinct peaks in reported cases, the latest of which was predominantly the Delta variant. In recent weeks, infections have increased steeply, coinciding with the detection of B.1.1.529 variant. The first known confirmed B.1.1.529 infection was from a specimen collected on 9 November 2021.

This variant has a large number of mutations, some of which are concerning. Preliminary evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant, as compared to other VOCs. The number of cases of this variant appears to be increasing in almost all provinces in South Africa. Current SARS-CoV-2 PCR diagnostics continue to detect this variant.


The Frequency Research Foundation has identified the frequency set below which appears to be the primary strain. It is released under the Creative Commons open source license. Updates and additional strains to be identified will be posted here.

#SARS-CoV-2 Omicron South Africa variant
#copyright 2005-2021 Frequency Research Foundation, USA. Offered for license under the Attribution
#Share-Alike license of Creative Commons, accessible at
#and also described in summary form at By utilizing
#these frequencies you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms
#of the Attribution ShareAlike license of Creative Commons.
repeat 4 #more repeats will be needed as this is for DMI/SG2 systems with DNG photos
dwell 90
program c
vbackfreq a 0.049787068 0 71.5
vbackfreq b 0.090909090 0 71.5

#SARS-CoV-2 b.1.1.529 20211127
#responsive to ivermectin disruptor frequencies
fuzz .002% 2
55454545 46766767 34545454 24545454 20667676
19676767 18454545 17676767 16454545 15454545 14676767 13454545 12454545 11454545
10445454 9676767 8454545 7445454 6676767 5454545 4454545 3454545 2454545 1454545
fuzz .044% 1
967676 854454 745454 684545 667676 554545 465454 445454 343467 245454 145454 96764 86766 75454
fuzz .044% .2
66767 54545 44545 35454 26767 14545 9445 8454 7676 6454 5467 4454 3667 2454 1676
fuzz .044% .1
945 845 745 645 544 445 367 267 122 40
goto end

label end
end repeat

Why SARS-CoV-2 Spike Increases Cancer Risk

Many clinicians and pathogists have reported 10-20 times increase in risk of cancer with COVID. Now we know why.

SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro

by Hui Jiang 1,2,* andYa-Fang Mei 2,*1Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner–Gren Institute, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden2Department of Clinical Microbiology, Virology, Umeå University, SE-90185 Umeå, Sweden*Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.Academic Editor: Oliver SchildgenViruses202113(10), 2056; Received: 20 August 2021 / Revised: 8 September 2021 / Accepted: 8 October 2021 / Published: 13 October 2021(This article belongs to the Special Issue SARS-CoV-2 Host Cell Interactions)
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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy. Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS–CoV–2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients. Clinical studies have indicated that patients with severe COVID–19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses; however, the mechanism by which SARS–CoV–2 impedes adaptive immunity remains unclear. Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.Keywords: SARS–CoV–2spikeDNA damage repairV(D)J recombinationvaccine

Frontier Medical Institute – Grossman Wellness Clinic

On 4 April 2012 I revisited the Frontier Medical Institute (also known as the Grossman Wellness Center) in Denver for an update to the comprehensive physical analysis done six years ago. In 2005, my physical system tested at age 45 (when I was chronologically 64). In 2012 my physical system tested at 43 (when my chronological age was 70). My goal was to get a 30 year spread using frequency medicine. I only achieve 27 and hope to do better next time.
The good news is that I anti-aged eight years, i.e. as I got six years older, I physically tested eight years younger.
There are some fascinating new technologies that I experienced and I recommend everyone try out Dr. Grossman’s clinic. Even if you can’t get there, you can read his new book, Transcend, and get some pointers.

In 2006, several people requested an update on my visit to the Frontier Medical Institute (also known as the Grossman Wellness Center) in Denver, home of the longevity medicine described in the book Fantastic Voyage:Live Long Enough to Live Forever by Kurzweil and Grossman.

Ray Kurzweil, a recipient of the National Medal of Technology and an inductee into the Inventors Hall of Fame, is one of the world’s leading inventors, thinkers, and futurists and the author of three previous books on technology. Terry Grossman M.D., the founder and medical director of the Frontier Medical Institute in Denver, Colorado, a leading longevity clinic, is certified in anti-aging medicine and lectures internationally on matters related to longevity and anti-aging strategies.

During the two days, I spent a lot of time with Dr. Grossman discussing next generation medicine while they took over two pints of blood for analysis, ran me on a treadmill, gave me two rounds of IV chelation therapy, met with a nutritionist and expert in Chinese medicine, used computerized simulators to interact with my physical system and determine my biological age, did a CAT scan of my heart, and finished off with a two hour life coaching session. I’m still sending urine and saliva samples for analysis and all results will not be in for a few weeks.

Here is a preview of the results. My biological age is 24 years younger than my physical age on the average and my heart is 27 years younger than my physical age. The main reason for the lower average is the loss of some high frequencies in my hearing.

The answer to physicians and other people concerning the utility of nutritional supplements is that the proof is in the pudding. If anyone tells you that you don’t need nutritional supplements, ask them if they can provide proof that their biological age is at least 20 years less than their physical age. If they don’t know, you might recommend Dr. Grossman’s program to them.

In the 1980’s, it became clear that you could extend your life by 20 years through nutritional supplementation. At the time Ray Kurzweil wrote the book, his physical age was 56 and his biological age was 40 (see page 140). My understanding is that he is pushing a 25 year difference now with an intensive supplementation regime. The upper limit that Dr. Grossman sees is 25 years.

We both agreed that electromagnetic frequencies could push the difference higher and my immediate goal is to achieve a 30 year difference taking far fewer nutritional supplements than Ray Kurzweil. The electronic medicine strategy is beyond what is currently in their book.

I strongly recommend the Frontier Medical Institute program for anyone. If you follow their recommendations it should, conservatively, give you at least 10 more years of quality life. It’s not inexpensive. However, if one year of quality life is worth more than a few hundred dollars to you, it is in your financial interest to go through their workup. I view the work they do as the future of medicine. Unfortunately, you won’t find it at your local hospital or clinic and the health insurance companies won’t pay for most of it.

Real Science: Antiaging Formula 216

In the 1970’s I worked with Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling (source of photo) to start a Vitamin C study at the United States Military Academy where I was a Professor of Mathematics. Unfortunately, the administration said we could not experiment on cadets. I met all of Linus’s colleagues studying Vitamin C at the time including Irving Stone. When I moved the University of Colorado Medical School as a Professor of Radiology, Preventive Medicine, and Biometrics, I cofounded the Center for Vitamins and Cancer Research with Kedar Prasad who is still writing books and papers on Vitamin C.

Linus knew the blood level of Vitamin C needed to be high. What mattered was not the amount of Vitamin C you took, but the constant level in the blood. Humans used to have a gene that produced Vitamin C automatically as needed but this was turned off during our evolution.

Researchers have found that an olive based supplement turns Vitamin C production back on. The Riordan Clinic has been the site for studying this phenomenon. I know about the Riordan Clinic because of a business relationship with Verne Harnish who is Vice Chairman. On business conference tours with him around the world he has made the case that the Riordan Clinic is one of the leading clinics in the United States.

Comments from the Riordan Clinic web site below show why this is one of the most amazing discoveries in anti-aging research in recent years. Everyone should take advantage of this!


The olive extract was assembled into a dietary supplement with co-factors (zinc, vitamins A & D, and bioflavonoids) that activate white blood cells. This formulation of nutrients has been branded under the trade name FORMULA-216.

Let’s go back to those lab animals. When vitamin C levels were dietarily restored in GULO-gene flawed mice, they lived 24 months, as long as the mice that naturally secreted vitamin C. These C-supplemented animals lived most of their lives without the visible symptoms of aging – grey hair, wrinkles and diminished vision. Could this be achieved in humans?

The possibility of achieving healthy longevity in humans via correction of this gene flaw became real. The vitamin C-fortified lab animals lived 2.7 times longer than animals with a dysfunctional GULO gene. If this data were extrapolated to humans who now live 60-80 years, then humans could live an astounding 162-216 years. That is how FORMULA-216 got its name.

The first results are in

FORMULA-216 was put to the test at Riordan Clinic. The urine levels of the first five human subjects showed elevated amounts of vitamin C were being excreted. Research moved forward to blood tests – on average, vitamin C blood levels doubled in all five subjects taking FORMULA-216! These test subjects achieved blood concentrations similar to the long-living laboratory mice. Did the ingredients in FORMULA-216 edit the flawed GULO gene?

More intriguing, it appears FORMULA-216 facilitates a 24-7 production of vitamin C – that is, it is the world’s first stress-responsive vitamin C pill.

Some of the initial anecdotal reports received from FORMULA-216 users include sharper visual acuity, fast recovery from colds and sore throats, and even abolishment of hangover symptoms. Is this really happening?