Real science demonstrates conclusively with 100% certainty that something works 100% of the time rather than clinical trials which are designed to show that something helps some of the time for some people.
For this you need a lab setup that allows you to visualize pathogens in real time and see them blow up when targeted with the right frequency. Here is one of many examples of documenting on video the explosion of a pathogen when hit with an exact resonant frequency.
Killing Pathogens with Frequencies
This technology was invented by Dr. Royal Rife in San Diego starting in 1920. Click here for documentation of the history. Today we have more sophisticated technology (except perhaps for his microscope). We can do remotely when can be seen in the video.
Comprehensive New Study Shows Flavonols in Fruits and Vegetables Slows Cognitive Decline
Jeff Sutherland, [Nov 30, 2022 at 7:54:48 AM]:
Association of Dietary Intake of Flavonols With Changes in Global Cognition and Several Cognitive Abilities
Background and Objective: Previous research has examined the association between cognition and flavonoids: bioactives found in foods, known to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. We extend this research by investigating associations of dietary intakes of total flavonols and constituents (kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, isorhamnetin) on the change in cognitive performance in global cognition, episodic memory, semantic memory, visuospatial ability, perceptual speed, and working memory
Methods: The study was conducted using 961 participants (60-100 years) of the Rush Memory and Aging Project, a prospective cohort of community-dwelling Chicagoans who were followed for an average of 6.9 years. Diet was assessed using a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Cognitive performance was assessed annually with a battery of 19 standardized tests. Flavonol intake was analyzed as a continuous variable using linear mixed effects models. Cognitive domain scores were regressed on baseline…
Applied Kinesthesology Improves Diagnosis and Treatment
Applied Kinesthesology (muscle testing) has been used for decades at Frequency Research Foundation for finding the root cause of health problems and recommending treatments. The latest research at leading hospitals in Japan and the United States take it to a new level of effectiveness. A comparison of identifying pathogens and tumors between applied kinesthesology and CT scans and MRIs shows this approach is often more accurate for identifying the root cause of ailments and specifying treatments.
The video will show that this procedure is 20 times as effective as standard screening for cancer. In our Photoanalysis Remote Rife Clinic we do this weekly for clients.
AquaCure Brown’s Gas Creates Remarkable Energy State
The gold standard for analysis of frequency effects today is 24/7 monitoring of comprehensive biological data of the state of the human body. The Garmin Body Battery metric is a comprehensive analysis of these data to determine energy state of the body which will be increasing or decreasing depending on amount of stress on the body. These effects have been reported on previously.
Breathing Brown’s gas today, combined with remote frequencies for eliminating pathogens, provided a dramatic improvement in Body Battery throughout the day along with a radical reduction in stress.
Body battery has been going up since midnight (left image) and is rising over 97 at the end of the working day. The image on the right shows the upper blue line going steadily up for the last four hours with stress levels lower during the day than ever seen before.
These results were achieved after breathing Brown’s gas from the AquaCure E50 for 10 minutes mid-morning and transmitting remote frequencies to eliminate pathogens throughout the day. Previous results show Body Battery declining during the day.
Researchers might try replicating this experiment to see if they can replicate the results. The Garmin Watch is a remarkable biofeedback device to improve health and performance.
“Kelly Owens was a medical mystery, her teens and 20s blighted by a cascade of seemingly unrelated health problems that left her debilitated. For a decade and a half she was put on one medication after another—22 in all—to little effect. Then electricity saved her.
“I didn’t even remember how ‘healthy’ felt, since it had been 15 years,” Ms. Owens, 33, says. Now she and her husband are talking about having a child, something she had thought impossible. She credits Kevin Tracey, an innovative neurosurgeon she found through Facebook.” Allysia Finley, WSJ
All functions of the body are electrical in nature. Every molecular reaction is influenced by movement of electrons which generates and responds to electromagnetic fields.
Rebalancing the electromagnetics can radically alter the physical state of the human body.
“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” Albert Einstein
Photoanalysis – How We Invented It and What Photos are Most Effective
We Started Experimenting with the Advanced Biophoton Integrator and the FSCAN
In the last century, Alan Back invented the Advanced Biophoton Integrator (ABPA) based on years of work in military secret labs. The device operated with Polaroid photos because an Army U.S. Patent showed that the emulsion in the Polaroid photo resonated with the person in the photo for up to six months after the photo was taken. Remote transmission was based on ultralow frequency carrier waves used to communicate with nuclear submarines on the bottom of the ocean on the other side of the planet.
I purchased one of these machines because it was reported that in agricultural plots, yields were higher when a Polaroid photo of a plot was put in the ABPA compared to a control plot right next to it. This was because the creator of modern statistics, R.A. Fisher, based all his early work on agricultural plots case/control studies. As a doctoral student in Biostatistics, I was thoroughly trained in R.A. Fisher’s rigorous analysis. He not only invented modern experimental design used in all clinical trials, he was the inventor of modern population genetics.
I thoroughly tested the ABPA using applied kinesthesiology to produce dramatic and directly verifiable physical results and proved quickly that it worked as advertised. It does many things to balance the energy of a person, animal, or plot of land in a Polaroid photo. At the same time, I was working with a Swiss medical device called the FSCAN which uses electrodes to pulse the body with low voltage frequencies and listens for resonance to draw a chart of resonance response spikes when the device hits a pathogen frequency. This frequency can then be used to kill the pathogen when applied through electrode contacts.
FSCAN detecting virus in a scar on patient’s neck
The question was, could the frequencies generated by the FSCAN kill a pathogen at a distance if the wires from the electrodes were positioned properly under the ABPA, since the ABPA would transmit the frequencies to a person in the Polaroid photo anywhere in the world. This turned out to work and this research stimulated many fellow researchers around the world including the inventor of Spooky 2.
I then worked with Alan Back, the inventor of the ABPA, to get a connector that would properly wire the FSCAN to the ABPA. Alan also had a green antennae for the ABPA that amplified output. These improvements increased power transmission by orders of magnitude.
We Then Engineered a Way to Use Digital Photos with the Advanced Biophoton Integrator
The second major step was a request from one of my clients. Since I was constantly traveling around the world, I could not physically change the Polaroid photo in the ABPA unless I was home in my lab. The client suggested I invent a way to use digital photos so he could be treated while I was traveling. I found this could be achieved by using a Sony Memory Stick with a photo positioned in a precise way in the Polaroid photo well of the ABPA.
When Alan Back heard about this, he flew to my lab and spent a couple of days looking at results. He pointed out that I was bypassing all the safety features of the ABPA by using this hack and that I was losing 80% of the power effect if the person in the photo was not in the same location where the photo was taken. He committed to create a device that would solve these two problems.
Two years later, Alan started production of the Digital Media Interface (DMI) which uses advance technology to target the person in the photo in 3-space. He apparently uses some of the same technology that fighter pilots I flew with used in the Vietnamese war to target radar sites that were about to launch SAM missiles. In my view, this device is even more sophisticated than the ABPA. It radically increased the effectiveness of remote transmission of frequencies.
Working with Dale and Carol Fawcett We Invented the SG1 and SG2 as Alternative Scalar Transmitters
These joint inventions, combined with a new technology called the Star Gate 2 (SG2) as an alternative transmission device made remote transmission of frequencies hundreds of times more effective so that today, remote transmission is better that applying direct electrical contacts or direct exposure to plasma devices for most purposes. Even though I have multiple direct contact devices, both electrode and plasma based, I use remote transmission almost exclusively to treat myself and my family.
Work with digital photos over two decades showed how to take these photos for maximum effect. However, because of Arthur C. Clarke’s three laws about writing about the future, to the uninitiated, this seems like magic.
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong (this is why Wikipedia is often wrong).
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible (this is what we did to invent this technology).
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic (so the average person does not know how to take the best photo for Photoanalysis).
The Hadoscan was Adopted for Scanning Patients and Improved with the Hunter 4025 and Biofilia Scanners
Over a decade ago we began working with the inventor of the Hadoscan, a fronted to technology developed during the Cold War by Russian, French, British, and American scientists (their names are embedded in the code). Most of the clinical trials were done in Russia and the technology continues to be enhanced by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics in Russia. It is used in leading Russian hospitals and clinical trials show it is three times as effective as radiology exams. As a former Professor of Radiology I have verified this in practice by scanning thousands of patients.
The scanner uses special earphones to pulse the brain with electromagnetic frequencies and listen to the response which can be linked to every organ system in the body down to the cellular level. A massive database is created on every scan. We use pathologies, allergens, pathogens, allotropic medicines, homepathic medicines, toxins, minerals, amino acids, heavy metals in hair, and vitamins identify to product frequency sets for each scan for each client.
We did a lot of experimentation with the Hadoscan, the DMI, and SG1 to see if proper placement of earphones on the SG1 would work as well as having headphones on the physical patient. When we got this to work, the development of the SG1 and then SG2 was enhanced specifically for this feature. We could now scan any patient on the planet at any time and get accurate results even better with the newer Hunter 2025 and Biofilia scanners.
We Need the Right Photos for the Best Results
This brings us to the requirements for the best digital photos for Photoanalysis and frequency transmission developed from over 20 years of inventing and testing this process.
The DMI targets the person in 3-space based on the number of pixels in the photo, particularly of the parts of the body with the most information content – the head, the palms, and the soles of the feet.
The more megabytes in size of the photo (with the image of the person taking up the maximum amount of the frame in the photo) the more resonance is generated in the person for specific frequencies that kill pathogens, eliminate toxins or allergies, or even kill cancer cells.
The clarity and resolution of the photo is critical. Any retouching of the photo (normal for an iPhone) will radically reduce the effectiveness of the photo. RAW images are essential. Also if the photo is taken with a tripod it will double the resolution of the photo and double the power output of the ABPA or SG2.
Pathogens are smart enough to run to parts of the body not in the photo to avoid destruction. For most purposes, a whole body photo in best. Many pathogens rush to the feet as the safest place with a standing photo so a photo sitting with the soles of the feed showing is used to avoid this problem. A photo of the back is often useful as well.
Almost any device today will create a 2MB unretouched image if set up properly and this will suffice for good results from Photoanalysis. The best photos use today are from an iPhone Pro set to RAW mode and 48MB images. They are over a dozen times more effective than other photos tested even compared to a NIKON camera. For some reason, Apple has been able to produce remarkable high resolution RAW images. For other iPhones, the Moment Pro Camera app set to RAW mode produces outstanding results.
The bottom line is that Photoanalysis is not magic. It is advanced technology invented by some of the best minds on the planet. The transmissions work perfectly every time (although healthcare improvements are dependent on the exactness of the frequencies) and they work best when photos are precisely taken in exactly the right way.
Instructions for Photos: Remote transmit power of the Frequency Research Lab Setup is directly proportional to quality and size of high resolution digital photos. The best photos (20-60 times better) today are produced by iPhone 12 Pro cameras or newest with the latest iOS in RAW mode (normal mode produces modified photos which do not work properly). Photos taken with an iPhone Tripod will be at least 2 times better because of improved resolution. See the Apple support site for how to turn on RAW mode.
A new iPhone 14 just produced a 92MB perfect RAW image of dog who is a client in the Frequency Research Foundation Photoanalysis Clinic (we help people, dogs, and buildings). Consider this in comparison to a typical 2MB JPEG file image which is altered by the iPhone software. The RAW image is more than 50 times better. This will radically reduce run times and the power output will overwhelm pathogens better than direct connect physical devices.
Users with other iPhone models will need to use the Moment Pro Camera App in RAW mode.
Long COVID and Body Stress
Multiple sources report that Long COVID symptoms affect somewhere between 30% and 70% of the population. China reports 57%. Do your own fact checking. Information is widely available.
This means you have all sorts of strange symptoms which your doctor cannot diagnose and does not know how to treat. One of them is constant stress on your body.
Today we have the first really usable device to monitor your body using the Garmin Fenix watch Body Battery. For an overview view see this previous report.
The image above shows a clients Body Battery and stress reading during sleep. Body Battery did not go up properly during sleep due to high stress. Using the applied kinesthesiology testing we use at Frequency Foundation, we investigated the source of these stress. As discussed previously, stress comes primarily from three factors: (1) mental and emotion stress, (2) environmental stress, (3) pathogens or toxins in the body disrupting normal function.
In this case, the cause was determined to be a specific strain of COVID-19. Using our Photoanalysis Frequency Clinic tools we developed a computer program to generate remote frequency application for the client. Today we can even identify the projected molecular weight of a drug that would cure this condition. Brilliant scientists in the Spooky2 global research community developed a formula for translating the molecular weight of a drug into a electromagnetic frequency that can simulate the effects of the drug.
This formula requires mathematical and computer science expertise to implement as it involves very large numbers such as the speed of light and Avogadro’s number. Using other known physical parameters like Plancks constant, we can compute, using special large number libraries, the pseudo-drug frequencies. As this is a really large number we need to calculate a lower octave of that number to generate a frequency that can be created by current frequency devices like the F-165 or Spooky2 frequency generators. We have shown previously that scalar octaves work best.
These technology advances have been added to programs at the Photoanalysis Frequency Clinic that radically improves it as a tool for addressing Long COVID problems.
How can we best interpret these frequencies which are essentially a pseudo-drug that the body says it needs? First, all chemical reactions are at the lowest level electronic in nature. We are moving around electrons and frequencies impact this electron flow. Second, there is interesting research showing that a single pathogen has difficulty overwhelming the body’s immune defense. There are always multiple pathogens interacting to overcome the immune system. Inserting the right frequency into this mix of interacting pathogens seems to cripple the mechanism of action and free up the immune system to clear the body of invasive organisms, toxins, or simply an erroneous state of operation that we see commonly on our computers when a reboot is needed.
Polio Outbreak June 2022
Recently we were aske to scan a baby in Indonesia who was not developing normally. The scan indicated all his organs were infected with polio. The parents said he received two polio vaccinations two weeks apart. The baby was put in the Photoanalysis Frequency Clinic and the polio cleared in three days. He started eating normally and improving. Within two months he was a normally developing baby.
Dr. Mercola reported on a 2022 outbreak of Polio in New York state:
The New York health department is urging residents to get vaccinated against polio after the virus was found in wastewater samples from two different counties
In June 2022, a 20-year-old in Rockland County was diagnosed with vaccine-derived poliovirus paralysis. The patient had not been vaccinated against polio
Many developing countries still use an oral polio vaccine that contains live virus, which then spreads to others in the community. When vaccination rates are low, the spread of vaccine-poliovirus can cause the virus to mutate back into a paralytic form
The U.S. uses only inactivated injectable polio vaccine that does not spread communally. The inactivated polio vaccine prevents paralysis, but not infection. So, even those who have received the inactivated version can be infected by a vaccine-derived poliovirus, and can spread it to others
Almost all modern-day polio cases are caused by the vaccine strains. India’s polio eradication campaign in 2011 caused 47,500 cases of vaccine-induced polio paralysis — a condition that is twice as deadly as wild polio
Frequencies are extremely effective against polio vaccine strains.
Scrum in Healthcare: Body Battery and Intensity Minutes
In Scrum we learn to deliver twice the value at half the cost. That means for all aspects of healthcare we want to radically increase positive health outcomes while radically reducing costs. And we want real data in real time showing that we are actually doing this and data that we can show our physicians and our friends that shatters their skepticism and allows them to look at real science.
As discussed previously, the Garmin Watch is one of the best tools for real time measurement of physical health parameters. We have shown that the ROM machine 4 minute workout can deliver all the exercise you need for a day and the nitric oxide dump exercise can deliver a 150 minute workout in the gym in 3 minutes. This is the kind of performance we want to see in Scrum.
The Body Battery metric on the Garmin Watch shows energy level throughout the day and Intensity Minutes is the metric used for amount of exercise. So we want to maximize the Intensity Minutes per unit of loss of Body Battery. This is the Scrum Way.
This morning I chose an elliptical machine workout (takes a lot longer than the ROM machine), the nitric oxide dump, and then jumped in a sauna at 130 degrees for 20 minutes followed by a shower. The sauna and shower are incredibly effective at generating Intensity Minutes for almost no work. I stay in the sauna until the Garmin Watch says abnormally high pulse rate (119 bpm in this case) and then get out.
The graph below shows the cost in Body Battery points. It says I spend 35 points and charge up 8 points. Actually I spent about 7 points getting up and eating breakfast, then did the nitric oxide dump and 19 minutes on the elliptical machine which cost me about 20 points. After being down these 27 points I lost another 8 points by 20 minutes in the sauna, doing the laundry, installing a new shower head, and taking a shower. So the cost of the elliptical workout plus the sauna and shower cost me about 28 points. This was followed by work in my lab at the computer which is creatively organized so I gained 8 Body Battery points as I am writing. I love getting more energy by working. This is the Scrum Way.
The chart below shows Intensity Minutes generated. The Garmin Watch only recommended 200 points a week for me but today I have almost 600 points and the week is not over. The elliptical workout gave me a sharp jump in Intensity Points but the sauna and the shower gave me a much bigger jump. I have 75 Intensity Minutes for the day so far and only 11 points came from the elliptical workout and 64 points came from the sauna and the shower. To me, the sauna and the shower are like doing nothing for 64 points.
So at the end of the day I gained 75 Intensity Points at the cost of 28 Body Battery points. Getting almost 3 times as many workout points per energy point is incredibly efficient. I challenge anyone to do better and report it in the comments using your Garmin Watch data!
As I finished this blog item I have gained 15 energy points while writing (just looked at the latest real time watch data). So work cost me no energy points. I just get more energy so I can be more active, more focused, more productive and have more fun. This is the Scrum Way.
Stimulating the vagus nerve can relieve arthritis, Crohn’s disease and other inflammatory conditions—perhaps someday even Alzheimer’s disease.
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