Clinicians have been asking about Monkey Pox so Frequency Research Foundation investigated. In addition to identified cases there appears to be low level asymptomatic infections in the general population. There have been previous outbreaks in the United States so there are old strains as well as new strains.
Monkey Pox has been wargamed at the 2021 NTI Munich Security Conference who predicted an outbreak on 15 May 2022 so it is arriving right on schedule.
For pathogens of public health concern, Frequency Research Foundation provides frequencies found to be useful for researchers under a Creative Commons share and share alike license. This means you can use it freely when citing it’s source and if you find a way to make it better you must share that.
Researches are well aware that frequencies can be both helpful and harmful and testing is required to see if frequencies are applicable. We make no warrantees and you use these frequencies at your own risk for research purposes only. Diarrhea has been noticed on occasion when running these frequencies.
We do commit to upgrade them if you have photos of an infection where the frequencies are not working. We will post these frequencies free for subscribers along with updates as they are improved. You might subscribe to make sure you get notified of the updates.
Frequencies are provided in F100 script language which will run directly on any F100 type device. For running these frequencies on Spooky2 hardware you can put them in the Spooky2 Tools translation program on this web site. For more information on how to use these frequencies see the Frequency Research Foundation FAQ available with all product downloads.
#monkey pox
#copyright 2005-2022 Frequency Research Foundation, USA. Offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike
#license of Creative Commons, accessible at and
#also described in summary form at By utilizing these frequencies
#you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms of the Attribution ShareAlike
#license of Creative Commons.
repeat 4 #more repeats will be needed as 4 repeats are for highly tuned DMI/SG2 systems with DNG photos
dwell 90
program c
vbackfreq a 0.049787068 0 71.5
vbackfreq b 0.090909090 0 71.5
#monkey pox 20220521
fuzz .002% 2
54545454 44545454 35454544 24545454 20454545
19445454 18676767 17454545 16454545 15454545 14454545 13454545 12454545 11454545
10454545 9454545 8454545 7454545 6454545 5454545 4545454 3445454 2445454 1676767
fuzz .044% 1
967676 845454 745454 665454 645454 545454 465454 445454 313654 267676 154544 96767 84545 74545
fuzz .044% .2
66767 54545 44545 34545 24545 14545 9454 8454 7454 6676 5454 4454 3545 2454 1454
fuzz .044% .1
945 854 767 654 554 467 354 267 154
#monkey pox 20220521
fuzz .002% 2
56767676 44545454 34545454 24545454 20454545
19454545 18454545 17454545 16454545 15454545 14454545 13454545 12454545 11454545
10445454 9545454 8545454 7454545 6455645 5454545 4754545 3545454 2454544 1445454
fuzz .044% 1
945454 867674 754546 685454 667676 545454 465454 431354 367676 245454 167676 95454 86767 76767
fuzz .044% .2
65454 56767 46767 34545 24454 16767 9667 8545 7545 6545 5454 4545 3676 2676 1676
fuzz .044% .1
945 854 745 654 554 467 354 245 154
goto end
#monkey pox cataract 20140923 20181218 20190427 20190519# 20190806 20220521
fuzz .002% 2
57864356 44554545 36554543 24454345 20454345
19434545 18454545 17454547 16345454 15454345 14545454 13545444 12543454 11454545
10445454 9454545 8545454 7545454 6545584 5454545 4754545 3545454 2545454 1545454
fuzz .044% 1
954655 845454 754545 664545 645454 554545 464545 445454 313454 245434 154545 94545 84545 75454
fuzz .044% .2
64543 54545 44545 35444 25434 13454 9454 8454 7545 6454 5545 4454 3545 2545 1543
fuzz .044% .1
945 877 745 667 567 454 345 245 145
goto end
label end
end repeat