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Frequency Foundation

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Mycoplasma Fementans Incognitus Frequencies Version 1.0

United States Patent 5,242,820
Lo September 7, 1993

Pathogenic Mycoplasma (Mycoplasma Fermentans Incognitus)

The invention relates to a novel pathogenic mycoplasma isolated from patients with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and its use in detecting antibodies in sera of AIDS patients, patients with AIDS-related complex (ARC) or patients dying of diseases and symptoms resembling AIDS diseases. The invention further relates to specific DNA sequences, antibodies against the pathogenic mycoplasma, and their use in detecting DNA or antigens of the pathogenic mycoplasma or other genetically and serologically closely related mycoplasmas in infected tissue of patients with AIDS or ARC or patients dying of symptoms resembling AIDS diseases. The invention still further relates to a variety of different forms of vaccine against mycoplasma infection in humans and/or animals.

Inventors: Lo; Shyh-Ching (Potomac, MD)
Assignee: American Registry of Pathology (Washington, DC)
Family ID: 27401851
Appl. No.: 07/710,361
Filed: June 6, 1991

Related U.S. Patent Documents

Application Number Filing Date Patent Number Issue Date
265920 Nov 2, 1988
875535 Jun 18, 1986

Other References

Marquart et al (1985) Mycoplasma-Like Structures . . . Eur J Clin Microbiol 4(1):73-74. .
Lo et al (1989) A Novel Virus-like Infectious Agent . . . Am J Trop Med Hyg 40(2):213-226. .
Lo et al (1989) Identification of M Incognitus . . . Am. J. Trop-Med. Hyg 41(5):601-616. .
Lo et al (1989) Association of the Virus-like Agent . . . Am J Trop Med Hyg 41(3):364-376. .
Lo et al (1989) Fatal Infection of Silvered Leaf Monkeys . . . Am. T Trop Med Hyg 40(4):399-409. .
Lo et al (1989) Virus-like Infectious Agent . . . Am J Trop Med Hyg 41(5):586-600. .
Marquart et al (Feb. 1985) Abstract Only Eur J Clin Microbiol 4(1):73-74. .
Hu et al (1990) Gene 93:67-72..

Primary Examiner: Nucker; Christine M.
Assistant Examiner: Preston; D. R.
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti

Government Interests
The invention described herein was made in the course of work under a grant or award from the United States Department of the Army.

Parent Case Text
This is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 265,920, filed Nov. 2, 1988, now abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 875,535, filed Jun. 18, 1986, now abandoned.

What is claimed is:
1. A biologically pure mycoplasma isolated from tissues of patients with AIDS comprising the mycoplasma produced by the cell line ATCC No. CRL 9127.
2. A biologically pure mycoplasma having the identifying characteristics of M. fermentans incognitus, ATCC 53949.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to a novel strain of mycoplasma isolated from a patient with AIDS. The mycoplasma is closely related to a species of human mycoplasma, M. fermentans. Upon characterization of this mycoplasma, it may be classified as a unique strain within the species M. fermentans incognitus. This novel strain of nycoplasma is referred to hereinafter as the incognitus strain or M. fermentans incognitus.

The invention also relates to use of the mycoplasma M. fermentans incognitus as well as all strains of M. fermentans in detecting specific antibodies in sera of patients with AIDS or an acute fulminant systemic disease and/or animals and its use as a vaccine against infection by the mycoplasma. The invention further relates to incognitus strain-specific antibodies and cross-reactive which later break up into individual cells that are capable of passing through membrane filters of pore size 0.45 .mu.m or even 0.22 .mu.m.

Those with Lyme disease may already be aware of this coinfection. It appears to be circulating with the 2017 flu causing extended periods of serious illness. Frequencies are available to subscribers.

AFM Acute Flaccid Myletis – CDC Surveillance

CDC is concerned about AFM, a serious illness that we do not know the cause of or how to prevent it.

  • CDC is investigating the increase in AFM in 2016. As of September 2016, 89 people in 33 states were confirmed to have AFM.
  • Even with an increase in cases in 2016, AFM remains a very rare disease (less than one in a million).
  • While the AFM case count for 2016 is less than the 2014 case count, CDC is concerned about the increase in cases in recent months.
  • CDC is intensifying efforts to understand the cause and risk factors of AFM.
  • It’s always important to practice disease prevention steps, like washing your hands, staying up-to-date on vaccines, and protecting yourself from mosquito bites.

Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a rare illness that anyone can get. It affects a person’s nervous system, specifically the spinal cord. AFM can result from a variety of causes, including viral infections.

Beginning in August 2014, CDC received an increase in reports of people across the United States with AFM for which no cause could be found. Since then, CDC has been actively investigating this illness. We continue to receive reports of sporadic cases of AFM. From January 1 to September 30, 2016, a total of 89 people in 33 states across the country were confirmed to have AFM.

SV40 Virus Frequencies

Recent work on multiple cases of SV40 with related cancers led to significant updates to multiple strains of the virus using the latest frequency templates. Each virus strain has over two dozen frequencies which target the virus, all of the components of the machinery for the virus, the DNA of cells contaminated with the virus, and the energy system of the human body which is distorted by the virus. All frequencies are available to subscribers.
[trx_button type=”square” style=”filled” size=”small” align=”center” link=”” popup=”no” top=”inherit” bottom=”inherit” left=”inherit” right=”inherit”]SV40 Frequencies[/trx_button]

Bookchin, D. and J. Schumacher (2004). The Virus and the Vaccine: The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, Contaminated Polio Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans Exposed. New York, St. Martin’s Press.

Everyone infected with the SV40 virus should read this book and that includes at least 100 million Americans. The contamination of polio vaccine with the carcinogenic SV40 virus apparently continues even today in some cases. Information on the most carcinogenic of all viruses and its connection with polio vaccine has been systematically suppressed since the 1960’s. Careers have been threatened, some destroyed, others altered dramatically. Funding for investigating what will come to be known as one of the greatest public health problems of the 20th century is still severely restricted.

The authors original article in the Atlantic Monthly (Feb 2000) has been expanded into a riveting book that reads like a novel. Extensively documented, it includes a complete bibliography of all research on SV40 and notes from interviews of every major player in this controversy who is still alive. The story would make a great episode for the X-Files and you might never look at the NIH in quite the same way again. The 2004 controversy over NIH officials acting as consultants for the drug companies is only the tip of the iceberg.

Char Boehme published a set of frequencies on the Rifers list ([email protected]) developed from available DNA sequencing data. I have tested her frequencies against a known SV40 infection and they all test positive, demonstrating the value of DNA sequencing data and her technique. We both view this as a widespread public health problem generated by contaminated vaccines.

Parasites are often infected with SV40. When you kill them, they release more SV40. You may need to repeatedly clear your system of this virus after killing parasites. In addition, when killing cancer cells in SV40 induced tumors, the virus will be released and cause reinfection. Run SV40 frequencies after killing SV40 induced tumor cells. Finally, a magpulser will stimulate virus production in infected cells and this must be dealt with.

On review of the medical literature, there are clearly multiple forms of SV40. One mutated form cannot replicate and there are others. See:

Simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication: SV40 large T antigen unwinds DNA containing the SV40 origin of replication. Dean FB, Bullock P, Murakami Y, Wobbe CR, Weissbach L, Hurwitz J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Jan;84(1):16-20.

Complete nucleotide sequence of SV40 DNA.
Fiers W, Contreras R, Haegemann G, Rogiers R, Van de Voorde A, Van Heuverswyn H, Van Herreweghe J, Volckaert G, Ysebaert M. Nature. 1978 May 11;273(5658):113-20.

The determination of the total 5,224 base-pair DNA sequence of the virus SV40 has enabled us to locate precisely the known genes on the genome. At least 15.2% of the genome is presumably not translated into polypeptides. Particular points of interest revealed by the complete sequence are the initiation of the early t and T antigens at the same position and the fact that the T antigen is coded by two non-contiguous regions of the genome; the T antigen mRNA is spliced in the coding region. In the late region the gene for the major protein VP1 overlaps those for proteins VP2 and VP3 over 122 nucleotides but is read in a different frame. The almost complete amino acid sequences of the two early proteins as well as those of the late proteins have been deduced from the nucleotide sequence. The mRNAs for the latter three proteins are presumably spliced out of a common primary RNA transcript. The use of degenerate codons is decidedly non-random, but is similar for the early and late regions. Codons of the type NUC, NCG and CGN are absent or very rare.

There is a new article out on the connection between cancer and the SV40 virus which is widely distributed in the human population because of polio vaccination contamination. NCI has followup studies on Army “volunteers” who were given contaminated polio vaccine in 1960-61.

Testing a volunteer (who was in the Army and given the vaccine in 1960) with a liver tumor and a history of melanoma and multiple basal cell carcinomas showed SV40 distributed throughout all organ systems. Plate zapping organ by organ was required to root it out.

I’ve noticed SV40 in several other cancer patients. Electronic medicine researchers should check each other for presence of this virus and eradicate it. SV40 causes cancer in lab animals, causes cells to become immortal in vitro, and is found in human tumors. It inactivates genes related to controlling cancerous growth. SV40 antibodies are present in 3-4% of the population. SV40 can start a tumor growing including cells that are not infected with HIV. The uninfected tumor cells have a selective growth advantage and replace infected cells, caused the SV40 virus to disappear. This stealth phenomena is one of the reasons it has been difficult to conclusively state that SV40 is causing cancer. However, for some tumors, the evidence is far stronger than smoking.

Simian virus 40 in human cancers
Regis A. Vilchez MD, Claudia A. Kozinetz PhD, MPH, Amy S. Arringtonc, Charles R. Madden PhD and Janet S. Butel PhD
The American Journal of Medicine Volume 114, Issue 8 , 1 June 2003, Pages 675-684


Many studies have reported the presence of simian virus 40 (SV40) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or protein in human brain tumors and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. However, the small samples and lack of control groups in some reports have made it difficult to assess their reliability.

Studies were included in this analysis if they met the following criteria: original studies of patients with primary brain tumors and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; the investigation of SV40 was performed on primary cancer specimens; the analysis included a control group; and the same technique was used for cases and controls. Included reports were published from 1975 to 2002.

Thirteen studies fulfilled the criteria for the investigation of primary brain cancers (661 tumors and 482 control samples). Specimens from patients with brain tumors were almost four times more likely to have evidence of SV40 infection than were those from controls (odds ratio [OR] = 3.9; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.6 to 5.8). The association was even stronger for mesothelioma (OR = 17; 95% CI: 10 to 28; based on 15 studies with 528 mesothelioma samples and 468 control samples) and for bone cancer (OR = 25; 95% CI: 6.8 to 88; based on four studies with 303 cancers and 121 control samples). SV40 DNA was also more frequent in samples from patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (OR = 5.4; 95% CI: 3.1 to 9.3; based on three studies with 301 cases and 578 control samples) than from controls.

These results establish that SV40 is associated significantly with brain tumors, bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Studies are needed to assess current prevalence of SV40 infections.

What Doctors Don’t Tell You About Measles

Nobody has died from measles, but the MMR has killed a hundred, group says

Monday, February 16, 2015, What Doctors Don’t Tell You
As California considers tightening up exemptions for the MMR vaccine following a recent outbreak of measles, an anti-vaccine lobby group has released figures that show that nobody has died from measles in the US in the past 10 years, and yet 100 have died from the vaccine.

Although America’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has confirmed there have been no deaths from measles in the US since 2003, 108 deaths have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System following the MMR vaccine.  The deaths relate to one of four different measles vaccines used in the US over the past 10 years.

Vaccine Impact, which researched the data, believes the deaths could be merely the tip of the iceberg.  The reported deaths “probably reflect a much lower number than actual deaths, since most doctors and health authorities believe vaccines are safe, and would not normally attribute a death to a vaccine and actually report it,” they say.

To support the figures, the US Department of Justice has agreed settlements on 111 claims following death from the MMR vaccine since 2004.

The group also argues that the vaccine has not necessarily been the reason for the drop in deaths from measles.  Many children still catch measles even after vaccination, and so it may not be having the protective effect its proponents suggest, they say.

Ebola Virus Frequencies Version 2.5

Ebola virus disease (EVD) or Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) is the name for the human disease which may be caused by any of four of the five known ebola viruses. These four viruses are: Bundibugyo virus (BDBV), Ebola virus (EBOV), Sudan virus(SUDV), and Taï Forest virus (TAFV, formerly and more commonly Côte d’Ivoire Ebola virus (Ivory Coast Ebolavirus, CIEBOV)). EVD is a viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF), and is clinically nearly indistinguishable from Marburg virus disease (MVD).
The name comes from Ebola River in Republic of the Congo, where it was first found. (Wikipedia)

For details on the current epidemic see the New England Journal of Medicine.

The Columbia Flu Predictor is now tracking Ebola. Data below show incidence and mortality from Sierra Leone. The mortality rate has dropped below 50% but the curves are still trending up.

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby writes, “Healthy well-fed victims of Ebola who died: zero. Undernourished, already-sick victims of Ebola who died: 2,461 to date. Serious fatality: the truth. Note that the rough figures released last week put total cases at around 6,500 and deaths at 2,200, that means it’s only about 30% fatal and NOT 90% as the US media keep screaming in their scare frenzy. Four healthy, well-fed Americans have contracted Ebola and survived comfortably. As I told you a couple of weeks ago, the supposed savage image of this infection had more to do with the terrain it’s in, meaning among peoples who are shocked, overloaded with toxins, under-nourished and weary from decades of internecine wars. But the manufacture of hysteria continues.”

The new Frequency Research Foundation update available to frequency subscribers includes new ebola virus strains, including a virulent strain seen in Africa, as well as updates to previously published frequencies. Several U.S. infections have been eliminated with these frequencies and a clear pattern has emerged in Hadoscan runs for those with more serious infections.

This frequency set is now being transmitted by parasites like the flu. Mild cases will be asymptomatic or cause general malaise for about a week. More serious cases will put you in bed.

A while back a subscriber asked me to pull together ebola virus frequencies, all of which were embedded in the lyme frequencies. The good news for lyme sufferers is that you have some immunity to almost all the nasty viruses in the world including several strains of ebola virus. The bad news is that if you don’t eliminate them with frequencies they will be circulating in your system for a lifetime.

The ebola viruses sometimes travel with the swine flu which is also a lyme based disease. At least one ebola strain can cause your skin to slough off it you get a bad infection, so it is good to have these frequencies in your emergency toolkit.

Even in the worst case it takes a while to die of the ebola virus and that is long enough to eliminate it with frequencies. What can make it challenging is if the route of infection is a parasite (as is commonly the case). Then you must kill the parasites or they keep reinfecting you (the reason flu is so hard to eliminate). There are two parasite sequences in the current ebola set known to be associated with the ebola virus. There may be more.

Also, viruses come in groups of at least two or three, as a single virus cannot usually overwhelm the immune system. A recent case of ebola infection was associated with rhabdovirus carpia, another virus seen commonly in lyme disease and swine flu infections.

To obtain frequencies become a subscriber using the link on the right side of the page.

Canine Parvovirus Type 2 (CPV2)

Highly contagious virus kills 15 dogs
Posted: Aug 19, 2014 2:42 PM EDT
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 2:42 PM EDT
Updated: Aug 19, 2014 2:42 PM EDT
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 2:42 PM EDT
The Lowell, Mass. Police Department is warning all area dog owners of a potential outbreak of canine parvovirus (CPV) in the area.
The highly contagious viral infection impacts dogs’ intestinal tracts and is transmitted when a dog comes into contact with the feces or vomit of an infected dog.
WBZ NewsRadio reports that there have been 15 confirmed cases of the canine parvovirus in the past two weeks. In each case the dog has died. If not treated, the disease can be fatal, police said. Symptoms in an infected dog include lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite and bloody diarrhea.
Officials say that certain breeds of dog are at a higher risk of contracting CPV. Some of those breeds are American Staffordshire terriers, rottweilers, doberman pinschers, Labrador retrievers, and German shepherds.

The city is working with local veterinarians and the state to come up with ways to control the disease. People with sick dogs are encouraged to take them to the vet, not walk them in public, and always clean up after pets.
For Frequency Foundation subscribers this is just another virus which can be knocked out in a few hours with posted frequencies.

Shingles Frequencies Version 2.0: You Will Need Them As You Age!

      from Wikipedia

Herpes zoster (or simply zoster), commonly known as shingles and also known as zona, is a viral disease characterized by a painful skin rash with blisters in a limited area on one side of the body, often in a stripe. The initial infection withvaricella zoster virus (VZV) causes the acute (short-lived) illness chickenpox which generally occurs in children and young people. Once an episode of chickenpox has resolved, the virus is not eliminated from the body but can go on to cause shingles—an illness with very different symptoms—often many years after the initial infection. Herpes zoster is not the same disease as herpes simplex despite the name similarity (both the varicella zoster virus and herpes simplex virus belong to the same viral subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae).
Varicella zoster virus can become latent in the nerve cell bodies and less frequently in non neuronal satellite cells of dorsal rootcranial nerve or autonomic ganglion,[1] without causing any symptoms.[2] Years or decades after a chickenpox infection, the virus may break out of nerve cell bodies and travel down nerve axons to cause viral infection of the skin in the region of the nerve. The virus may spread from one or more ganglia along nerves of an affected segment and infect the corresponding dermatome (an area of skin supplied by one spinal nerve) causing a painful rash.[3][4] Although the rash usually heals within two to four weeks, some sufferers experience residual nerve pain for months or years, a condition called postherpetic neuralgia. Exactly how the virus remains latent in the body, and subsequently re-activates is not understood.[1]
Throughout the world the incidence rate of herpes zoster every year ranges from 1.2 to 3.4 cases per 1,000 healthy individuals, increasing to 3.9–11.8 per year per 1,000 individuals among those older than 65 years.[5][6][7] Over a lifetime, a large fraction of people develop herpes zoster, though usually only once – in a 1960s US study, 50% of individuals living to age 85 had at least one attack, while 1% had at least two attacks.[8] Antiviral drug treatment can reduce the severity and duration of herpes zoster if a seven-to-ten day course of these drugs is started within 72 hours of the appearance of the characteristic rash.[5][9]
A recent full blown case of shingles (hospital diagnosed) in a client allowed identification of many strains of the shingles virus. The rash was stopped from spreading immediately with frequencies and the client was puzzled as to why she had such a mild cash of shingles after going to the hospital emergency room prior to frequency application.

Upon further investigation, the client slept in a houseboat in Amsterdam that had mosquitos infected with the shingles virus. A mosquito bite on the leg started the shingles rash. Because she had latent shingles virus from smallpox in childhood, she developed a full blown infection. The houseboat was cleared of mosquitos using the Frequency Foundation Mosquito Service and cleared of the shingles virus with the shingles frequencies. It turns out that there are many strains of the shingles virus that must be eliminated!
The Life Extension Foundation reported the following in December 2012:
Following a chicken pox infection, the virus (called varicella-zoster, or VZV) takes refuge in nerve cells. With the onset of immunosenescence, it’s only a matter of time until the virus can reemerge to trigger an attack of shingles. Here are some surprising fiures about this classic illustration of immunosenescence at work.
  • More than 90% of adults harbor the VZ virus, and there is no means of predicting when or in whom a shingles outbreak will occur.
  • It’s estimated that 1 million new cases of shingles occur in the US each year, resulting in up to 60,000 hospitalizations.
  • Your risk of developing shingles is about 1 in 3.
  • With advancing age, your risk of developing shingles goes up dramatically: by age 85, 50% of people have had at least one outbreak.
  • The severity of a shingles outbreak increases with age.
As a result over 90% of adults will benefit from running shingles frequencies to clear the virus from their body. Additional strategies for reversing immunosenescence are also recommended.

Frequencies are available with a subscription to the Frequency Foundation.

Tuberculosis Frequencies Version 3.0

An Armenian doctor showing chest x-rays used to track a patient’s tuberculosis that has been resistant to drug therapy.
Published: New York Times, December 6, 2008

Update 11 Nov 2012: Tuberculosis frequencies have been repeatedly updated since 2008 and Version 3.0 is available. Certain strains of the swine flu included tuberculosis. In the opinion of this researcher, most deaths due to swine flu were caused by the swine flu viruses, bacteria, and parasites combined with tuberculosis. In addition, more virulent strains of tuberculosis have appeared, even more resistent to antibiotics than XDR tuberculosis.

This means that those interested in the latest tuberculosis frequencies should subscribe to the Frequency Foundation list where all updates are posted. See this link …

Original Research on XDR-Tuberculosis
Version 2.2 – 20 December 2008
©Frequency Research Foundation 2005-2008
Creative Commons License
XDR-TB: Tuberculosis Frequencies Version 2.0 by Jeff Sutherland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Based on a work at

All frequencies are based on original research on thousands of people, animals, microscopic slides, and high-resolution digital photos and microscopic images of the actual organisms. The Frequency Foundation database contains many gigabytes of original raw frequency data from a decade of research and these data are researched and refined to continually update frequency sets. For questions, errors, or omissions contact: [email protected]. Frequencies are for research purposes only and may be helpful, harmful, or ineffective depending on how they are used. These programs may generate negative side effects in the form of Herxheimer reactions or other phenomenon and are only to be used by other researchers for experimentation at their own risk.

Upgrade to Version 2.2

Ongoing research added another strain of XDB-TB and parasites associated with this organism.

Upgrade to Version 2.0

The New York Times recently provided new photos on a case of drug resistant tuberculosis that are useful for enhancing the tuberculosis frequency set. Many cases have been examined by the Frequency Foundation through electronic media and all cases have the same virus associated with the tuberculosis organism. This virus has been added to the frequency set. It appears that a number of persistent bacteria harbor a virus that helps protect them by reducing immune function and, in this case, reducing respiratory function. Fortunately, it is remarkably easy to eliminate this complex of organisms with frequencies.

From the point of view of frequency research, XDR-TB, MDR-TB, and TB are very different organisms. Each is included in the attached frequency set. There may be additional strains and there may be other helper viruses. That is a topic for future research when modifications are needed to eliminate new strains of the organisms.
In the 1980’s, after spending many years as a professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, it was clear that drug technology is a 1940’s technology that will not take us into the future. Suppression of innovation in medicine by business interests has assured that we will not have the technology of the future until enough people die unnecessarily that people start demanding something different. For example, I recently suggested to a physician at one of the world’s largest non-profit organizations trying to eradicate tuberculosis and malaria that they try some frequency work. I was told if they experimented with frequency devices they would lose all their grants. Innovation is being systematically suppressed by your government and your physicians are living in fear of losing their livelihoods.
Imagine if IBM has been able to suppress chip innovation. We would have to build a laptop with vacuum tubes and use a truck to haul it around. This is the situation we are in with drugs. Innovation in electronics can completely replace drugs. The healing tool of the future will be our laptop or smartphone. It will have a database for frequency transmission that can emulate any drug. Frequency Foundation is already using technologies that detect and prevent disease before you even know you have it.
It would be an excellent idea to experiment with and gain an understanding of how to use the tuberculosis frequencies with the many Rife technologies widely available on the market. Because about 1/3 of the population has latent infections with tuberculosis organisms, you may need to eliminate a ticking time bomb that can erupt when your immune system is suppressed for any reason.
It will take a worldwide grass roots movement to eliminate XDR:TB so I am releasing the frequencies under a Creative Commons License that allows anyone to use them for non-commercial purposes with attribution.

#repeat will vary with organism and technologies
repeat 10
program c
vbackfreq a 0.002478752 0 66.6
vbackfreq b 0.049787068 0 66.6
#parasite associated with XDR-TB 20081212
fuzz .034% 1
685677 #444544 424467 344444 244666 144644 74466 44454 26666
#268666 12666 #XDR-TB strain 1
#286566 12666 #XDR-TB strain 2
#use sweep to clear drug resistant strains
dwell 10
sweep 12346 12944 1
sweep 268166 269054 1 #268666 12666 #XDR-TB strain 1
sweep 286054 287000 1 #286566 12666 #XDR-TB strain 2
dwell 360
fuzz .044% 1
434324 414422 364443 243333 143332 77565 44443 24343
dwell 90
#XDR-TB virus 20081212
fuzz .0013% 1
19623443 18444444 17443344 16453343 15444433 14433344 13334443 12344444 11434334 10433334
9444343 8444333 7443333 6343443 5434334 4433443 3433423 2444355 1576567
fuzz .044% 1
944446 844554 743443 666665 544545 433676 334466 243665 165765 95534 84544 74657 64446
fuzz .044% .1
56654 45345 24455 14344 6446 3345 2443 1444 766 444
dwell 360
fuzz .034% 1
234344 #MDR-TB
244344 #Mycobacterium tuberculosis
converge .024% 1
288666 #Tuberculosis miasm strain
converge 0.016% .1
12567.6 # protein
1662 2774
end repeat

The frequencies are in F100 programming language format. This is thoroughly documented at
Ongoing research will update these frequencies. For documentation of these frequencies and to obtain updates to these and many other frequency sets you can subscribe to the Frequency Foundation by clicking on the button below. Be advised that these frequencies will be upgraded as organisms mutate based on ongoing research and only subscribers will receive updates.

Alzheimer’s and Herpes simplex virus

Herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA is located within Alzheimer’s disease amyloid plaques.

Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, UK.


The brains of Alzheimer’s disease sufferers are characterized by amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. However, the cause(s) of these features and those of the disease are unknown, in sporadic cases. We previously showed that herpes simplex virus type 1 is a strong risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease when in the brains of possessors of the type 4 allele of the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE-epsilon4), and that beta-amyloid, the main component of plaques, accumulates in herpes simplex virus type 1-infected cell cultures and mouse brain. The present study aimed to elucidate the relationship of the virus to plaques by determining their proximity in human brain sections. We used in situ polymerase chain reaction to detect herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA, and immunohistochemistry or thioflavin S staining to detect amyloid plaques. We discovered a striking localization of herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA within plaques: in Alzheimer’s disease brains, 90% of the plaques contained the viral DNA and 72% of the DNA was associated with plaques; in aged normal brains, which contain amyloid plaques at a lower frequency, 80% of plaques contained herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA but only 24% of the viral DNA was plaque-associated (p < 0.001). We suggest that this is because in aged normal individuals, there is a lesser production and/or greater removal of beta-amyloid (Abeta), so that less of the viral DNA is seen to be associated with Abeta in the brain. Our present data, together with our finding of Abeta accumulation in herpes simplex virus type 1-infected cells and mouse brain, suggest that this virus is a major cause of amyloid plaques and hence probably a significant aetiological factor in Alzheimer’s disease. They point to the usage of antiviral agents to treat the disease and possibly of vaccination to prevent it.
Frequencies are available on subscriber’s blog.

Leischmania Mexicana Version 1.02

Leishmania LifeCycle.gif

Lieschamania life cycle

Lieschmania mexicana is found in chemtrails and heavy spraying recently has deposited it everywhere. Lieschmania carries the swine flu producing constant infection with viruses found in the swine flu frequencies. Water supplies are contaminated and individuals are constantly reinfected with the  1918 swine flu virus, the avian flu, ebola, and other organisms.

The frequency 33333 was first seen in chemtrails in early 2009 and has been observed continuously since then. However, only recently because of heavy spraying has it become clear that this is the frequency for the amastigotes in leischmania mexicana.

The frequencies for this organism are also part of the swine flu series. It is important to eliminate leischmania first before working on other swine flu frequencies. All frequencies are available to Frequency Foundation subscribers.