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Frequency Foundation

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

Energy Medicine – Second Edition

“Look at the step-by-step process by which we come to understand the world around and within us. Energy is a huge part of this. Our personal ability to understand and manipulate the energies of nature gives us direct experience of the most vital aspects of life. However, because of historical confusions and vested interests our culture and our education have obscured the nature of energy and thereby denied us the opportunity to explore what is arguably the most important part of our nature and of our health. The resulting confusion has spilled over into our healthcare system, which is in a crisis that threatens our prosperity and national security. To ignore energy is to deny the application to our health and welfare of one of the greatest areas of human inquiry – physics. This book has the goal of bringing the physical and biomedical sciences into cooperation as we look to the future of our healthcare system.” James Oschman

This is the book that ties medical research together with energy practioners approach to healing. The second edition is even better than the first. For example, we now have over 450,000 peer-reviewed academic research papers are now published on inflammation as the root cause of much chronic disease. Many energy approaches to medicine are effective at reducing inflammation and clinical studies are repeatedly demonstrating this effect. The emerging research in major journals is enormous and few physicians read it.

As a former Professor of Radiology it is interesting that the physicists and radiologists have been the primary proponents of building the scientific basis for energy medicine. Perhaps our fundamental understanding of nuclear physics combined with endless study of increasingly accurate images of human tissue in diseased states has caused us to put 2 and 2 together and get 4.

Live Longer: Reduction of Calcification in the Arteries with Frequencies

Since 1975 I have been working with some of the leading medical researchers in the world. I worked with twice Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling while a professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Working with physicans in the Academy hospital we were contemplating a clinical trial of Vitamin C to see if it reduced colds in cadets. Alas, the administration would not permit it in 1974. However, in 1975 I joined the faculty of the University of Colorado School of Medicine and in 1980 hooked up with Dr. Pauling when he sponsored the University of Colorado Center for Vitamins and Cancer Research (which I co-founded with another senior scientist). I had millions of dollars of grant funding from the National Cancer Center every year for over a decade which got me started on advanced technologies to eliminate disease. A few years ago National Cancer Institute leadership told me I was still on the list of only 300 scientists qualified to lead large grants for cancer research.


Linus Pauling (February 28, 1901 – August 19, 1994) was an American chemist, biochemist, peace activist, author, educator, and husband of American human rights activist Ava Helen Pauling. He published more than 1,200 papers and books, of which about 850 dealt with scientific topics. New Scientist called him one of the 20 greatest scientists of all time, and as of 2000, he was rated the 16th most important scientist in history.


Dr. Pauling showed me his almost complete DNA model and the data he gave Watson and Crick which he claimed enabled them to publish first and achieve a Nobel prize which Dr. Pauling thought rightfully belonged to him. He is the only human to achieve two independent Nobel prizes and was gunning for a third. He radically changed my thinking about medicine by showing me his lab and introducing me to his fellow researchers.

This started me down a path that led to frequency medicine which is now emerging into the mainstream. There are 566 peer reviewed medical research papers at on Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency research and 5167 papers published on electromagnetic field therapy. This is truly the future of medicine with FDA approved cancer clinical trials now in progress. Even more interesting is using electromagnetic frequencies to reprogram DNA, a more reliable and accurate approach to CRISPR.

In 2005, I visited another leading medical researcher, Dr. Terry Grossman, also a graduate of the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He had just published a book with Ray Kurzweil, Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever. At that time, my biological age was over 20 years younger than my calendar age, almost the lowest he had ever seen (two Japanese guys had me beat).

Dr. Grossman put me on a program to regularly scan my arteries for calcification as he felt was the leading risk of death for someone who had already eliminated some cancers with frequencies (as proven by physician biopsy). I had almost no calcification on a CT scan in 2005. However, by 2012 my calcium score was elevated:

The Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) Screening Test was done utilizing Ultra-Fast Coaxial Tomography (UF CT Scan) that was able to image the amount of calcified atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary artery walls of your heart. The computer was able to calculate a calcium score for each region of calcified plaque in each coronary artery, and a total calcium score for the heart as a whole.

There are two types of plaque that develop in the arteries: hard or calcified plaque and soft or vulnerable plaque. Heart attack risk appears to be more closely related to soft, vulnerable plaque, but at present we do not have imaging devices able to quantify this type of plaque. The ultrafast CT scan is only able to measure the heart calcified plaque. Since there is a direct correlation between hard, calcified plaque, which your CAC test measured, and soft, vulnerable plaque, higher calcium scores are related to a higher risk of heart attack. Therefore this test offers an indirect assessment of dangerous coronary atherosclerosis. Your ultrafast CT scan of 105 indicated that you had detectable calcified plaque of 105 in your coronary arteries at the 30th percentile.

On 20 December 2016, Dr. Grossman reported: Cardiovascular- Your coronary artery score increased from 15 in 2005 to 105 in 2012, placing you in the 30th percentile at that time. Now your calcium score is 399 at the 65th percentile. Explained the creation of a biofilm that protects self-replicating crystals/nanobacteria.

A new supplement called Nanobac was available at the time and was recommended. A great independently-assessed summary of research is here: Anton Kutikin, PhD in The International Journal of NanoMedicine “The Role of CNPs in Biology & Medicine”

This supplement eliminated some of the nanobacteria and stirred up the rest. When they were active I was able to determine frequencies and target them for elimination. On 13 October 2017, less than a year after my calcium score was 399, I visited Brigham and Women’s state of the art cardiology center in Boston to get a CT scan. Results are below:

My calcium score was 55, a better than 86% reduction. Dr. Grossman said this had never been done before in the history of medicine and results should be followed up with further research studies.

Here is exactly what I did to achieve this result (nothing is guaranteed):

  1. Worked closely with a knowledgable physician to get appropriate lab tests and followup.
  2. Purchased NanobacTX and followed instructions at
  3. Used nanobacteria frequency sets at
  4. Purchased frequency application system. For people new to this field try a Spooky2 system of your choice. For those with some expertise consider the Frequency Research Foundation standard lab which is much more powerful for remote work.
  5. Selected the right nanobacteria frequency sets using kinesthiology (muscle testing or a dowsing technique) and ran them while taking the recommended dosage of NanobacTX (initially 8 capsules a day for six months, followed by 2 capsules a day for maintenance).

Frequency Research Foundation Scanning Technology

The Hunter 4025 is a non-linear system (NLS) scanner that was developed by the Institute for Practical Psychophysics in Russia. This technology is based on the principles of quantum physics and bio-resonance, and it’s designed to read, communicate with, and stimulate a change in the energy of the body.

Here’s a brief overview of how it works:

  1. Scanning: The Hunter 4025 uses trigger sensors connected to a computer to scan the body’s energy field. This process is non-invasive and painless.
  2. Frequency Detection: The system then detects frequency imbalances in the body, which can indicate potential health issues. These imbalances are displayed on the computer screen.
  3. Biofeedback: The Hunter 4025 can also provide biofeedback to the body, sending corrective signals that help the body return to a healthier state. This is done by reversing the frequencies of the detected imbalances and sending these reversed frequencies back into the body.
  4. Data Analysis: The data collected by the Hunter 4025 can be analyzed to provide a comprehensive view of a person’s health status. This can include information about potential diseases, allergies, and the health of various organs.
  5. Therapy: In addition to diagnosis, the Hunter 4025 can also be used for therapy. It can stimulate the body’s healing processes by sending specific frequencies that promote healing and balance.

It’s important to note that while the Hunter 4025 and similar NLS devices are used in various parts of the world, their use and acceptance vary. Some medical professionals view them as complementary tools, while others may not recognize them due to differences in regulatory approval and scientific understanding.

Having worked directly with the chief technologist of the company selling the Hadoscan, the software technology underlying this system is extremely sophisticated with millions of lines of code. The names of the engineers that built it are in the comments and include American, British, French, and Russian programmers from the cold war era. Most of the clinical trials were done in Russia.

As with any medical technology, it’s always recommended to use the Hunter 4025 under the guidance of a trained professional and in conjunction with other diagnostic and treatment methods.

Electronic Medicine Goes Mainstream

Scientific American
Stimulation of the nervous system could replace drugs for inflammatory and autoimmune conditions
By Kevin J. Tracey | Feb 17, 2015

Bryan Christie

In Brief

  • Exposure to heat, pressure, light or chemicals sets in motion a process to ensure that bodily organs do not overreact to these stresses.
  • Nerve signals that link the brain and the rest of the body inhibit the making of immune molecules that cause inflammation.
  • Electrical stimulation of neural pathways with an implanted medical device may assist the body in suppressing inflammation.
  • Bioelectronic medicine is the name of the new discipline that uses electrical stimulation to treat inflammation and other disorders.
I am a brain surgeon who is fascinated by inflammation. Along with my laboratory colleagues, I examine molecules that cause inflammation so that we can discover methods for alleviating the pain, swelling and tissue damage that is a consequence of many diseases.
Some of this work has already benefited patients. In 1987 I published the results of an experiment that targeted an inflammatory molecule called tumor necrosis factor, or TNF, to rescue lab baboons from the consequences of lethal infection—a study that contributed to the discovery of a new class of drugs for inflammatory, autoimmune and other diseases that disrupt the normal functioning of the body’s immunological defenses.
As a neurosurgeon, I am also intensely interested in the workings of the brain. A surprising discovery we made in the late 1990s, again involving TNF, merged insights from neuroscience and immunology. We inadvertently discovered that neurological reflexes—predictable responses to certain sensory stimuli—block the production of TNF. This insight culminated in an invention I devised to treat inflammation using small, electrical nerve stimulators implanted in patients.
The use of nerve-stimulating electronic devices to treat inflammation and reverse disability is laying the foundation for a new discipline called bioelectronic medicine. It is being tested in clinical studies of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases. It is based on a deceptively simple concept of harnessing the body’s natural reflexes to develop an array of effective, safe and economical alternatives to many pills and injectable drugs. By precisely targeting the biological processes underlying disease, this nerve-stimulating technology should help avoid the troublesome side effects of many drugs.