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Frequency Foundation

Twice the Energy with Half the Stress

Pollen Count: High for Elm Tree Today in Boston

High pollen today and low chemtrails. Now that I can identify the specific plant causing the pollen problem, the frequencies will be useful to everyone.

The major culprit this afternoon in the Boston area is the elm tree with frequency 467777. I run this for 15 seconds out of every 60 during exposure using an F160 to drive an ABPA for remote broadcasting. This clears up the allergy symptoms in a few minutes and keeps them at bay. A great assistant for your immune system in killing the pollens. Here’s the program:

label loop
dwell 15
duty 50
pulse 64 75
converge 30 1
467777 #elm tree
pause 45
goto loop

If you need a little more power you can go to scalar octaves or increase the time interval of frequency transmission.