It has been my experience that no virus, bacteria, parasite or other microorganism is immune from frequency effects if there is sufficient power transfer at the right location for a sufficient amount of time at the right frequency or set of frequencies. However, it is absolutely critical to determine the exact frequency because for many organisms, particularly parasites, you will simply annoy the pathogen but not eliminate it with a frequency that is not exact.
Also you must determine the bandwidth of the organism. Anyone who has used the DIRP scanning function on an FSCAN has seen that resonance peaks for an infection may be very narrow or cover a wide range. In addition, you must know the time of exposure required for the type of machine your are using. Finally, many organisms require repeated exposure and may need the same frequencies applied each day for several days (even weeks in some cases). All of this can be assessed with the approach described below.
One way to identify precise frequencies is using a very sensitive dowsing technique. This will not work well for everyone for reasons described below. Others may find it works accurately, is repeatable, and gets excellent clinical results. Don’t ask me why this works. I only appreciate that it does. Most will find they can identify when a frequency is affecting their body in a positive way. This is very useful, because you can do a sweep of a frequency range while treating yourself and identify frequencies that are having an affect.
1. I use an unorthodox procedure with a dowsing instrument called a Cameron Aurameter. The Aurameter responds yes (up and down) or no (sideways movement) for me. This may be different for others. The electromagnetic field of the human body extends one to two feet out away from the body. I get my field inside the field of the subject or sample to test. If it is myself, I may put a finger on a localized spot of infection. I then focus on whether a frequency can help eliminate this infection. If the Aurameter indicates yes, I ask if the frequency is less than 500KHZ. If yes, I ask if it is less than 400KHZ. If no, I know the frequency is between 400 and 500KHZ and the first digit of the frequency is 4. I then ask if the next digit is less than 9, less than 8, and so forth until I get a negative response. As a trained scientist, I find it astounding that this works repeatedly and accurately. As someone trained in the martial arts (Aikido), I notice that it is the Qi energy that is driving the dowser. After testing this hypothesis on black belt karate teachers, I find that people with strong Qi will have powerful effect on the dowser. As a person who has a mediation practice of more than 35 years, I notice that a still mind and body improves accuracy. If you allow your mind to distort results, you will not get the clinical effects you desire.
2. Step (1) yields a candidate frequency. I then run a DIRP scan with the FSCAN at 10HZ intervals plus or minus 500HZ around the candidate frequency if in the Clark range. In the Rife range I may go plus or minus 100HZ at an interval of 1HZ. I often find several peaks in the area which, if treated at those FSCAN frequencies, will yield immediate clinical results.
3. More often, I simply treat at the candidate frequency and ask the dowser if the frequency is having a positive clinical effect. If I get a yes indication, this indicates the frequency is on target and ready for further validation.
4. I treat at several of the octaves (divide by two) of the candidate frequency. If the dowser indicates a positive effect, I know I have an exact frequency. If not, I adjust the candidate frequency up or down a little until I can get effects at the octaves.
5. I then treat at the derived frequency while the Aurameter indicates positive effect on the body and stop when it changes to a negative indication. I expect immediate clinical effect for most organisms. If I do not get an effect, I assume I made a mistake and restart the analysis from the beginning. A typical clinical effect would be all pain from a bacterial infection gone in less than 15 minutes, or allergy effects disappear within two minutes. For complicated chronic conditions or parasites it will not be so easy. The gold standard is a clear and definitive clinical result.
6. I’ve done this 1000s of times until I get accurate, repeatable results every time. Often, I get an objective crosscheck using the DIRP feature on the FSCAN. Sometimes, I pick up a frequency with the Aurameter that I cannot detect with the FSCAN. This may be due to the fact that the FSCAN can detect only those pathogens that are well connected into its electrical circuit. There may be pathogens in the body that are placed where there is not good current flow.
Many people use other methods in a similar fashion. A pendulum or kinesthesiology techniques work in the same way. Testing other physiologic responses from the body produce the same results, i.e. measure pupil dilation, skin galvanic response, etc. Electrical devices that test the bodies energy system or check meridians should produce the same information. Different people find one or another method more accurate or congenial. The beauty of the FSCAN is that you can test objectively for resonance at candidate frequencies. Sometime in the future I expect to have a DNA scanner which will help further refine the technique. I already have a toolkit that does simple DNA sequencing.